Sunday, July 5, 2015

Things I've learned...

Hello, friends!

I've been on this earth for over 30 years and so I've learned a thing or two in my day. Still, fatherhood is a new beast entirely and throughout this process (pregnancy, birth, and being a dad) I've learned more than a few new tidbits. Here are a few of my favorites.

God covered all the bases when he made the human body. So, apparently, when a woman becomes pregnant, HER BODY GROWS AN ORGAN SPECIFICALLY FOR GROWING A BABY. The placenta essentially feeds the baby for 9 months then at birth it exits, only to grow again when another baby comes along. Does anybody else find that fascinating?

Rapidly Involuting Congenital Hemangiomas are nothing to be worried about. When RaRa was born, he had a big purple bump on his left leg. Being a first time dad and medical novice, I was super concerned. Was it a tumor? Would we have to amputate the leg? What event should we start training for in the Paralympics? Well, it turns out that what he has is a Rapidly Involuting Congenital Hemangioma, which means he has a cluster of blood vessels that look like a bruise but will eventually go away and may leave a little birthmark. Again, God covered all the bases when he made the human body.

Eating is not intuitive. For someone who loves to eat, and I mean, I LOVE to eat, it boggles my mind that eating doesn't just automatically happen. Well, babies need to learn to eat, and that includes RaRa. He's already gotten so much better but at the beginning, we had to feed him every 3 hours so that he'd learn to eat and that Megan's milk would come it. The process itself, waking him, calming him because he was mad that we woke him, changing his diaper because when he got mad he wet himself, then getting him to actually eat, took an hour or more, so it was definitely a process. Don't worry folk, he's growing like crazy. =0).

Fatherhood is the best. Y'all, it's pretty ridiculous how great fatherhood. RaRa doesn't really do anything yet. He sleeps, eats, and poops. He hasn't learned to smile or anything like that. Still, I could spend hours upon hours just staring at him. Every move he makes is amazing. This is pretty much the greatest thing ever.

Have an excellent day!


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