Thursday, January 25, 2024

So much useless snow...

Hello, friends! 

Growing up in Southern California, I didn't have a ton of experience with snow. Every now and then, we'd take a family trip up to the mountains and I think I went mountain camping with the scouts once or twice, but other than that, I didn't see snow a lot, which was fine by me. I remember the first time I saw legit snowfall my first year of college. It was a sight to behold for sure. 

Since then, I've seen a TON more snow. As someone who loves to bike, these months can be pretty tough living out here in the Midwest. One of the things I've learned about the differences between living in Nebraska vs. Missouri is that once the snow falls here, it stays for a while. Mind you, I actually like this better than the constantly icy roads that I saw in Missouri but either way, I'm not biking anywhere anytime soon. 

There are two things that have made living with all this snow tolerable. The first is snow tires. We live at the top of a hill and that first winter, it was a STRUGGLE getting up to our house. We were worried we were going to need to get new cars with all-wheel drive, but a friend of mine suggested snow tires instead and that did the trick. Every winter, we swap out our regular tires for snow tires and in the spring, we swap them back. 

While snow tires have made the snow manageable, but there's one thing that has made snow somewhat enjoyable... 


One of my new favorite winter hobbies is building igloos for the kids. I basically pile up all the snow from our driveway and and yard, carve out a space for sitting, and if we've got the time, and the snow, I'll put a toboggan run on the top of the igloo for extra fun. The kids like it and it's pretty great seeing my handywork being enjoyed by the family. 

A few weeks ago, we got a DUMP of snow. It was multiple days with multiple inches of snow, totaling somewhere between 8-12 inches of snow. It was enough snow for the kids to stay home from school for a few days and SHOULD have been more than enough for an awesome igloo.

Here's the problem. Normally, I'd love to spend a few hours outside, piling, carving, and shaping the snow into some really great igloos and toboggan runs. However, this year, to go along with the massive amounts of snow, it's also been ridiculously cold. We're talking multiple days under 0 degrees. It's not safe to be more outside for too long in those conditions, so I just had to look outside my window longingly at what could have been... 

Weather reports for the next few days show that the weather is going to get into the 40's and may even hit 50 next week, which will melt most of this beautiful igloo material, meaning all this snow may have been for not. Instead of getting a sweet igloo out of the situation, all I may get is a sore back from shoveling... 

Snow is back to being the worst.

Have an excellent day! 


Friday, January 19, 2024

Depth and Intimacy...

Hello, friends!

First of all, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! I'm really happy to be 39. God was good to me at 38 and I expect more of the same for this year. 

I'm not really one who celebrates my birthdays much but one of the traditions that I've adopted over the years is having a word or phrase for that year. Since my birthday is so close to the beginning of the yeah, I usually give myself until the my birthday to pick a word or phrase. It's sort of like my New Year's resolution of sorts. Usually, I start thinking about my word for the year in November or December but I'm definitely glad that I waited until my birthday to "lock it in." 

The original plan for this year was for this year's word to be, "Be Prepared." Not only is it the Scout Motto but it also reflected how I wanted the year to go. I found that in 2023, I was doing a LOT of stuff. Between family, work obligations, coaching soccer, leading scouts, and training for triathlons, I was doing all the things but it didn't feel like I was doing them well. The idea of "Be Prepared" was that I wanted to actually prepare for the work ahead of me, not just do it the best I could and hope that it was good enough. That inevitably would have led to me cutting back in some places so I could do fewer things well, which I was OK with. 

However, things changed at Staff Conference. The final afternoon of Staff Conference, there was a time of "impartation." We were asked to ask God what He wanted to impart to us, then have someone pray that blessing over us. While I was listening, I heard the words "depth and intimacy." Those were words I wasn't expecting but words that I gladly had prayed over me. 

As I've reflected on those words from Staff Conference, I think they work really well with my original idea but change it slightly. I still want to do more than just doing the tasks set in front of me. However, instead of focusing on doing the things better, I think that "depth and intimacy" is an invitation to define what that "better" is. What does it mean for me to not just do a task but seek a real connection with whatever task is put in front of me. 

One example that I've been using has been bedtime. The kids always want us to stay in their rooms for a few minutes while they go to sleep. Because I'm trying to be a "good dad," I'll stay in there for a few minutes but I'm not necessarily present. I'm usually playing a game on my phone and waiting for the time to pass so I can get out of the room while still doing my duty. Lately, with this emphasis on depth and intimacy, I've been trying to not just stay in the room but really be there, using the few minutes we have as an opportunity to connect with the kids at the end of the day. It hasn't been perfect (sometimes the kids just need to go to bed!) but it has been good. 

So, here's to a year of depth and intimacy. I'm hoping that this year brings not just lots of stuff being done, but lots of connection with people and Jesus in a real way. 

Have an excellent day! 


Friday, January 12, 2024

Staff Conference 2024!

Hello, friends!

First of all, Happy New Year! May 2024 beat 2023 in every possible way for you and yours.

As your reading this, the snow is continuing to fall here in Omaha. We got about 6 inches earlier in the week and are expecting about that much today. This means that for the kids, they begin their semester with 3 snow days in the first week.

However, cold and snow bound is not how Megan and I started the year. Nope! We got to start our 2024 in shorts and sunshine.

Every 3 years, InterVarsity gathers so of its staff from across the country for our National Staff Conference. Because of COVID, last year's conference was pushed to this year, meaning for 5 days, Megan and I, along with roughly 1400 of our coworkers, were in Orlando, Florida, connecting with God and one another.

To be honest, I've lost count of how many Staff Conferences attended. Apparently, we missed SC20 because Jonah was born but I'm pretty sure I remember being there. However, is possible that I'm thinking of a different conference and they're all just running together. =0).

Regardless of whether this was my 5th or 6th conference, it was still so good to be there and God really showed up. Here are a few highlights:
- ISM Pre-Conference! SC24 started on the 2nd but Megan and I came in a day early so she could attend a pre-conference for international student ministry staff. Even though she's not explicitly ISM anymore, she still wanted to connect to old friends and I got to tag along. It was tons of fun hanging out with them as they celebrated together on the night of the First but it was also great that I had the day to myself on the Second while they were in meetings but SC24 hadn't officially started yet.
- Seeing old friends! One of the best things about being at Staff Conference is that you get to see old staff colleagues you haven't seen in a while. I help host an event for Asian American staff who have been on staff for 10-18 years and it was so good to see my friends. Our current staff team also played a game where we tried to get photos with people who used to be on staff with us in the Central Region. That was a ton of fun too. Even if it was just for 30 seconds, reconnecting with other staff in person was an absolute joy.
- Miraculous Healing! I woke up Wednesday morning with a pretty bad migraine. I get them a lot less than I used to get them but they still crop up every now and again. It's usually from dehydration, a change of weather, or some combination of the two. I skipped the first morning session to sleep but wanted to get down to the second morning session. I'm glad I did. The theme of the season was praying for the next generation. One area where we were called to pray was for healing. As we were praying in small groups, I felt the invitation to ask for my own healing. As my colleagues prayed for me, I was immediately healed. It was pretty great.
- An Impartation! Thursday's afternoon session included a time for us as staff to receive a word from God and to be prayed over by other staff. First of all, it was so cool to see Megan pray for other staff as one of the designated prayer ministry folk. The other thing that was so great was hearing a word from God. I really believe God wants me to pursue more depth and intimacy in my life, but just doing the right things but seeking depth and intimacy with God in the midst of right actions. 
- Travel! Y'all, do you know know how easy it is to travel without kids?! We sat in an exit row for one of our fights. I got to take a nap! I didn't have to share my rye chips with Jonah when they passed out the snack bags on Southwest because he can't eat the Cheeze-its! It... Was... Glorious... =0).

Special shout out to my in-laws who held down the fort with the kiddos here in Omaha so Megan and I could attend. They're the real all-stars of the trip. It was a great time and I'm excited for what God will do in IV and through IV between now and SC27.

Have an excellent day!

Rich Villodas, our speaker
Connecting with Asian American staff
IV president, Tom Lin!