Thursday, June 27, 2019

What a Trip!

Hello, friends!

After 10 hours of driving, 14 appointments, and way too many peanut M&M's to keep me awake as I was on the road, I'm back from CoMO! It was a really great time of connecting with folk, eating old favorites (spicy beef noodle soup, anyone?), and being reminded of God's generosity. Here are a few takeaways from my time in CoMO.

1) MPD is exhausting! Y'all, I'd never slept so hard as the night I got back from my trip. The meetings themselves weren't physically exhausting, per se; it was mostly me sitting and talking with folk for an hour or so. It was more about the mental and spiritual exhaustion that comes from presenting vision over and over again. There was also the fact that I fit in so many appointments so it was going from meeting to meeting. I don't regret any of it, but it did take a lot more out of me than I'd anticipated.

2) MPD is fun! I had so much fun. I love meeting with folk. I love hearing their stories and how God is moving in their lives. I love sharing about InterVarsity and how it connects to what God has called them to as well. I love inviting folk to partner with the work that we're doing. I love every part of it. I told the same stories over and over again but each time, it felt new and felt good. By the end of the weekend, I was gassed but I had so much fun.

3) MPD is worth it! I don't mean this in the financial sense, although it appears as though, things worked out in that department. I mean that I really got to see God move in some really cool ways. I was reminded of God's goodness and His generosity. I was reminded that I've been called to a noble calling. I was surprised by accidental meetings and folk writing checks in my presence. I was reminded that I'm actually OK at my job. Even if I'd gotten nothing but "no", I still would have seen this trip as a success, just given how I saw God meet me.

I'm sure that I want to do another jam packed MPD trip like this again. I don't know if it'll be next year or the year after. I do know that it was a proof of concept that was tons of fun. Thanks to everyone who met with me and everyone who prayed for the trip.

Have an excellent day!


Thursday, June 20, 2019

On the road again...

Hello, friends!

I'll get to Part 3 of my Leading Regional MPD series in a bit but I need to invite y'all to be praying for me as I make a road trip this week.

As part of my MPD Sprint, I'm heading to CoMO for a few days to meet with potential ministry partners as well as current partners. I'm excited about this trip as it'll be good for me to connect with folk, cast vision, and eat some old favorites (Spicy beef noodle soup, anyone?!).

Friends, please be praying for me on this trip. There are a few specific ways to be praying:
- Journey's mercies. It's a 5 hour drive to CoMO, which isn't too big of a deal. Still, with weather in the Midwest, prayers are always appreciated.
- A few more appointments. Right now, I have 11 appointments set up for the weekend but I have room for one or two more. I'd really like to completely fill up my calendar.
- Good rest and good strength. That being said, it's going to be slightly exhausting (in the best way possible). Please pray that God gives me good rest and good strength to be at my best as I engage in MPD.
- Family. Megan and the kids aren't coming on this trip. Megan's parents are coming down to visit though, which is nice. Please pray for a good time with family and for the kids especially.

Photos will come once I'm back. =0).

Have an excellent day!


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Leading the Region in MPD Part 2...

Hello, friends!

Yesterday, I set the table for me leading my first Regional MPD Gathering as a Regional Coordinator. Today, I want to run down my thought process on how to put this thing together. Tomorrow, I'll give you a breakdown of what actually happened.

My philosophy on good MPD comes down to a few basic principles:
- MPD needs to be seen as an act of worship
- MPD needs to be seen as something that is mutually beneficial, for both the staff and the partner
- MPD is something that needs to be done with intention
- MPD is more fun in community
- MPD is something that EVERYONE can do a little bit better
- Our current MPD system is not perfect and there are ways to make MPD more just and equitable

With those basic principles in mind, I set out to put together a 3 day (really 48 hour) training that would encapsulate those elements while being seen as "worthwhile" for our staff team to attend. I know there's nothing worse than traveling to an InterVarsity meeting and as you're leaving, saying to yourself, "well, that wasn't worth it."

As I was praying for our time together, the word that came to me was, "Past, Present, and Future." The Regional Leadership Team (RLT) made fun of me for getting a word that sounded so much like a prom theme, but when the LORD gives you a word, you take that word.

The Past was going to represent us looking back at the year that was, specifically in the realm of MPD. Too often, when we look back at the year, we focus too much on the positives or too much on the negatives. I wanted us to be able to reflect on both the good things and the hard things from the year, and give all those up to Jesus. I also knew that we needed to celebrate as a familia, especially since we'd hit some major goals we had set for ourselves.

Present was going to be the work time. June is when our end of the year asks go out, so I knew we wanted to spend some time working on those. But, there were other work elements that we wanted to take into consideration, including making phone calls to prospective partners.

Future was about looking ahead. There were the short term pieces of looking ahead centered around planning your summer well. There's also the long term piece of looking ahead at how we can change the way we do MPD in our Region.

So, that was set. Day 1 was going to focus on the Past. Day 2 was going to focus on the Present. Day 3 was going to focus on the Future. Now, all I needed to do was actually fit all the pieces together...

Have an excellent day!


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Leading the Region in MPD Part 1...

Hello, friends!

When I was younger staff and I first fell in love with the joy that in Ministry Partnership Development (MPD), a thought that often came to mind was why other staff didn't share the same love for MPD that I had. Being the learner that I am, I was fascinated by new and better ways to do MPD, and being the teacher and trainer that I am, I always wanted to share what I'd learned with my regional familia. So, starting in around 2015 or so, I started volunteering to lead our Regional MPD gatherings, when the whole staff team comes together at the end of the year to do MPD together.

The Regional MPD Gatherings have an interesting history. Before a few years back, the rule was that it was required to attend unless you were above a particular funding threshold. Another way to look at it was that if you haven't raised enough, you had to show up. The Regional MPD Gatherings were a detention of sorts. You didn't do the work, so you had to put in some extra time as punishment.

Needless to say, this did not make for a very inspiring time. The staff who were required to go didn't really want to be there because they felt like they were being punished. Added to that, the funding guidelines didn't take issues of funding justice and equity into account. My funding has always been in a pretty good place so I was never actually required to go. Still, it didn't feel quite right. A few years back, the standards were changed so that everyone is required to go unless there's a really good reason (like you're out of the country on a mission trip). I wasn't the one who made the decision, but I'm glad it was made.

Remember how I said that I would volunteer to lead the Regional MPD Gatherings? Well, since I've taken on my new role, it's not a volunteer job anymore. It's very much part of my job description. As I was preparing for this year's gathering, I didn't realize how much that change would affect me until I actually started getting nervous. Of course, every year I want to lead a good training, but in previous years, since it was volunteer job and not part of my job description, if the training left something to be desired, it was OK. I could just blame it on the fact that I had other stuff going on with my "real" job. The Regional leadership was just happy that it was one less thing they had to do.

But now? Well, now it's part of my job description. I had nothing but time to plan this bad boy. If it was going to be not up to standards, I had to answer for it. Added to that, I pushed for an extra day to be added to the time. Now there was even MORE to plan. What was I thinking?!?!

Spoiler Alert: Things went really well and I'm really proud of the training. It might be the best one I'd ever led. We hit all the beats that I wanted to hit. There were moments of good work being done and the Holy Spirit falling on the staff team. Staff were able to connect personally as well as professionally. It wasn't perfect, but every element felt like it served its purpose well enough. I haven't heard a ton of feedback from my supervisor yet (that will be coming in July) but I'm hopeful that she was encouraged as I was by out time together.

I have lots more details about the week that I may put into a different post later in the week (or next week). Y'all have been reading for long enough. Tl;dr - I led a thing, was worried that the stakes were higher, and it went well. =0).

Have an excellent day!


Friday, June 7, 2019

Let's Sprint!

Hello, friends!

Has it really been a month since I've posted?! So sorry, about that, friends! The ironic thing is that there's actually been so much happening, I haven't had the time to catch my breath and post for y'all. Apologies. You can expect more posts in the next few weeks though, updating you on all the cool stuff that has been happening here in Omaha and our work with InterVarsity.

Why am I going to have so much now free time to blog on my hands? Is it because work has slowed down? Some, but not quite. It's actually because for the next 3 weeks, I'm going to be sprinting!
No, friends, I'm not going to be running at maximum capacity for the next 3 weeks in the physical sense. That would be exhausting and probably pretty dangerous. Nope, these next 3 weeks, I'll be engaged in an MPD Sprint, where I spend my work time focused primarily on my Ministry Partnership Development, inviting new folk to join our team. One important part of MPD is reporting, or sharing ministry updates with you all. Thus, I'm going to spend at least part of each week catching up on blog posts that need to happen.

There are a few ways that you can partner with Megan and me as we engage in this MPD Sprint. 

- Please PRAY! These MPD Sprints can yield a lot of fruit but they are exhausting on a number of levels. Please pray for us as we work. We need to remember that our worth is not defined by our work and that God loves us. 

- You can also GIVE! If you'd like to join our partnership team or increase your current giving, you can do so by clicking on the link here. We'd love to have you be a part of the team. 

- Or, you could REFER! Maybe you know some folk who share the same concern that we have for developing the next generation of world changers on the college campus. If you do know some folk, we'd love to meet them! Click here to email us with their contact information and we'd be more than happy to get in contact with them. 

Friends, these next few weeks are going to be intense but they are going to be fun. I'll see you on the other side of the finish line! 

Have an excellent day! 
