Thursday, June 27, 2019

What a Trip!

Hello, friends!

After 10 hours of driving, 14 appointments, and way too many peanut M&M's to keep me awake as I was on the road, I'm back from CoMO! It was a really great time of connecting with folk, eating old favorites (spicy beef noodle soup, anyone?), and being reminded of God's generosity. Here are a few takeaways from my time in CoMO.

1) MPD is exhausting! Y'all, I'd never slept so hard as the night I got back from my trip. The meetings themselves weren't physically exhausting, per se; it was mostly me sitting and talking with folk for an hour or so. It was more about the mental and spiritual exhaustion that comes from presenting vision over and over again. There was also the fact that I fit in so many appointments so it was going from meeting to meeting. I don't regret any of it, but it did take a lot more out of me than I'd anticipated.

2) MPD is fun! I had so much fun. I love meeting with folk. I love hearing their stories and how God is moving in their lives. I love sharing about InterVarsity and how it connects to what God has called them to as well. I love inviting folk to partner with the work that we're doing. I love every part of it. I told the same stories over and over again but each time, it felt new and felt good. By the end of the weekend, I was gassed but I had so much fun.

3) MPD is worth it! I don't mean this in the financial sense, although it appears as though, things worked out in that department. I mean that I really got to see God move in some really cool ways. I was reminded of God's goodness and His generosity. I was reminded that I've been called to a noble calling. I was surprised by accidental meetings and folk writing checks in my presence. I was reminded that I'm actually OK at my job. Even if I'd gotten nothing but "no", I still would have seen this trip as a success, just given how I saw God meet me.

I'm sure that I want to do another jam packed MPD trip like this again. I don't know if it'll be next year or the year after. I do know that it was a proof of concept that was tons of fun. Thanks to everyone who met with me and everyone who prayed for the trip.

Have an excellent day!


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