Friday, June 7, 2019

Let's Sprint!

Hello, friends!

Has it really been a month since I've posted?! So sorry, about that, friends! The ironic thing is that there's actually been so much happening, I haven't had the time to catch my breath and post for y'all. Apologies. You can expect more posts in the next few weeks though, updating you on all the cool stuff that has been happening here in Omaha and our work with InterVarsity.

Why am I going to have so much now free time to blog on my hands? Is it because work has slowed down? Some, but not quite. It's actually because for the next 3 weeks, I'm going to be sprinting!
No, friends, I'm not going to be running at maximum capacity for the next 3 weeks in the physical sense. That would be exhausting and probably pretty dangerous. Nope, these next 3 weeks, I'll be engaged in an MPD Sprint, where I spend my work time focused primarily on my Ministry Partnership Development, inviting new folk to join our team. One important part of MPD is reporting, or sharing ministry updates with you all. Thus, I'm going to spend at least part of each week catching up on blog posts that need to happen.

There are a few ways that you can partner with Megan and me as we engage in this MPD Sprint. 

- Please PRAY! These MPD Sprints can yield a lot of fruit but they are exhausting on a number of levels. Please pray for us as we work. We need to remember that our worth is not defined by our work and that God loves us. 

- You can also GIVE! If you'd like to join our partnership team or increase your current giving, you can do so by clicking on the link here. We'd love to have you be a part of the team. 

- Or, you could REFER! Maybe you know some folk who share the same concern that we have for developing the next generation of world changers on the college campus. If you do know some folk, we'd love to meet them! Click here to email us with their contact information and we'd be more than happy to get in contact with them. 

Friends, these next few weeks are going to be intense but they are going to be fun. I'll see you on the other side of the finish line! 

Have an excellent day! 


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