Friday, May 28, 2021

MPD 201!!!

Hello, friends!

Starting Wednesday, I'll be leading our staff team through MPD 201, which is our Spring training for Ministry Partnership Development. I'm really excited about our time together, not just because I love taking about MPD but also because we have some really great stuff planned and I've enlisted the help of a few of our younger staff to help with various parts of the program.

I'll be going all day Wednesday, all day Thursday, and the first part of Friday. Megan will be taking the kids with her up to South Dakota so her parents can help watch the kids while we're both in session, so that will be a blessing. But, she also has a wedding on Saturday and since they wedding is kids only (and the kids have tball on Saturday), right after I finish on Friday, I'll be driving up to SoDak to pick up the kids then bring them back to Omaha for a dad weekend. 

Needless to say, it's going to be a really hectic week next week. Prayers appreciated for peace, wisdom, and good health (both Megan and I are fighting colds right now). A lot goes into planning these trainings but ultimately, it's all up to Jesus. My hope and prayer is that God will do what he needs to do in our team and through me.

Have an excellent day!


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Two Takes On Getaway...

Hello, friends!

Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for Mini International Getaway. Here's Megan's update: 

I can't thank you enough for your prayers! Mini International Getaway was such a wonderful event and I am still hearing stories from how God moved. Over 85 students participated and 15 countries were represented. On Saturday, great connections were made with students after a year of not being able to gather that often in person. One student from India shared that she had lost many members of her family back home and a group of students were able to pray for her. Many students shared how they missed community and had been looking for it. One staff said they want to plant an international group next year when they move to a new campus. 

I am so so grateful for God answering prayers and for sparking joy in staff and students. 

While Megan was running the show, I was running around with the kiddos. Here's a rundown. 
- In the morning and early afternoon, before Megan started working, as a family, we went to the farmer's market, Ezra had his last soccer game of the season, and had a soccer team pizza party!
- After we got back, we dropped off Megan and went to drop off the tabs that Ezra and Thaliea had been collecting for the Ronald McDonald House.

- From there, we went to the Wildlife Safari Park in Ashland to look at birds, buffalo, and some elk

- Next stop, was a trip to Lincoln to meet one of my curling buddies for dinner and ice cream.
- We got home just in time for me to switch with Megan so she could put the kids to bed while I led a Cultural Showcase for the Mini-Getaway. 

Friends, it was a SUPER long day but lots of fun. The kids did great and I enjoyed spending the day with them. 

In a few weeks, I'll be leading a training for our Region, which means the roles will be flipped. Prayers appreciated for Megan. =0).

Have an excellent day!


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Getaway On Its Way!

Hello, friends! 

Tomorrow (Friday) night starts mini-international Getaway! Here's an update from Megan so you can be praying! Also, if you'd like to sign up to pray, you can sign up here!

Mini International Getaway is Here!

It's finally here. We have been praying, planning, preparing for months now. After over a year of pandemic and many virtual conferences, we are excited to offer a hybrid option for students. Friday evening Christian students will be pastored through Psalm 23 and invited to ask brave questions with their non-Christian friends. Saturday afternoon, local groups gather for fun outreaches to engage new and old students in conversation and fun. Saturday night, we will debrief together and send students out into the summer.

Would you pray and intercede for our time? Click the link above to sign up to intercede for particular time blocks over the weekend. 

  • For last minute recruitment efforts. We are praying for at least 6 more for the evening sessions. 
  • For the Lord to shepherd staff and students through the weekend - offering protection, guidance, comfort.
  • For me (Megan) as I direct the time to hear from God and to make courageous choices. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Happy Birthday, Thaliea!

Hello, friends! 

Last week, I celebrated my mom's birthday. This week, we get to celebrate Thaliea's birthday! She's turning 4 this year, which is a big deal, if for no other reason than because now she gets 2 vitamins in the morning instead of 1. =0). 

As per tradition, here's the birthday song I wrote for her. The kids are old enough now for me to ask them what their favorite songs are. "Memories" by Maroon 5 is her current favorite because it reminds her of her great grandmothers, both of whom have died since she's been born. (Isn't she the sweetest thing?!?!).

So, happy birthday, dearest girl! Here's to (at least) 4 more years! 

Have an excellent day!
