Sunday, June 29, 2014

Final Countdown!

Hello, friends! 

It just hit me today... this week Megan and I are leaving for Cambodia...

This trip has been a long time coming.  I'm pretty sure we agreed to it in January, or maybe even earlier than  that.  Either way, it's been at least 7 months of preparations, planning, recruiting, fundraising, and strategizing.  There have been hard conversations, tough decisions, joy, pain, frustration, and a whole lot of prayer.  Still, up until earlier today, everything felt like it was a long way off.  Cambodia was something that was going to happen in the future.  Well, the future is won. 

Our list of things to do seems to get longer and shorter at the same time.  Both Megan and I are being very diligent in making sure that we are staying on task.  At the same time, we continue to find new things that need to be done so that we are as prepared as possible for the task at hand.  I won't say that I'm feeling anxiety right now about the things that are still to be done or about the trip in general.  It's more a sense of excited nervousness.  The best way that I can describe it is to say it's very similar to how I felt right before an intramural football game back during my undergrad days. 

Friends, I know these next few days are going to fly by.  Before you know it, we'll be on our way to Chicago to catch our flight that will take us to San Francisco, then Taipei, before we land in Phnom Penh, 48 hours after we boarded our first flight.  During that time, we still need to pack, buy some last supplies, check on the team, and make sure that we have all our ducks in a row. 

Please continue to pray for us.  Pray for our team.  Pray for the logistics.  Pray that God will be preparing us to go to Cambodia and that He will be preparing Cambodia for us to be there.  Pray that we will be open to what He has for us and that He will be protecting us.  Thanks. 

Have an excellent day! 


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Disaster Avoided

Hello, friends!

As I'm sure you know, it is just a few more days until Megan and I leave for Cambodia to lead a team of students on a month long missions trip.  There have been many hours spent preparing and there are still many hours left to spend preparing but I wanted to give glory to God for the ways that he has already been providing for us and keeping us from disaster.

We had a passport issue that got cleared up.  A new passport application was sent in about 6 weeks ago. 4 weeks later it was returned to us saying that the documentation provided was incorrect.  To expedite the process (along with an extra $75), would be another 3 weeks, meaning the passport would be expected to arrive July 2, just days before we planned on leaving.  If anything went wrong during the process again, we would be in huge trouble.  Praise Jesus, the passport was processed quickly and was recceived June 18 with plenty of time to spare.

There was an issue with a summer school class that may have required a student to stay in the US during the month of July.  Obviously, that would have meant that the student couldn't go on the trip with us.  After talking with a few advisors and a few parents, the disaster was averted yet again and we have a full team heading with us to Cambodia.

One of the things we were going to do while we were in Cambodia was work with a group that helps free children from human trafficking.  Unfortunately, the organization double booked and the other group was from their home church so we were suddenly looking for a way to fill up 4 days on the trip.  Thankfully, we had one of our students knows some missionaries in Cambodia and we were able to figure out an alternate plan. 

I could spend many more paragraphs talking about the ways that God has come through in a lot of different situations but you get the idea.  Megan and I firmly believe that some of what is happening is spiritual warfare.  But our God is greater.  Would you please continue to pray for us as we make final preparations these last few days?  Pray specifically for protection from spiritual warfare for us as well as our students.  Our God is greater.

Have an excellent day!


Sunday, June 15, 2014

On Campus Access...

Hello, friends!

Over the past few years, InterVarsity has been in the news in a less than encouraging way.  There have been a number of universities across the US that have derecognized InterVarsity chapters for what administrators call "exclusionary practices."  Of course, we at InterVarsity disagree with these rulings and continue to fight them.

Last week the New York Times wrote an article, "Colleges and Evangelicals Collide on Bias Policy" that includes quotes from our president, Alec Hill.  I encourage everyone to read it.  As staff, we were also sent the following email to help us understand our position better:

The primary issue is the freedom of religious student groups to use religious criteria in leadership selection. As Christians we strive to follow these standards in order to be obedient to Scripture.
Religious student groups should be given the same opportunities and access that other student groups receive. The Greek system selects members and leaders based on gender. Sports teams select on abled-body status, as well as gender. Musical groups select based on status and skill. The university affirms these kinds of discriminatory behaviors all the time.
We believe in (and long for) an inclusive university that values all people and treats them with respect without forcing intellectual conformity. Our faith is grounded in the belief that God is good and loving and longs to be in relationship with all people.
We welcome any and all students and faculty to participate fully in our community life. Christianity—like all religions—has a core set of beliefs. To have integrity, leaders who lead other students in Bible study, worship, prayer, and evangelism need to share those core beliefs and live consistently with those beliefs. Muslim groups expect to be led by Muslims. Hindu groups expect to be led by Hindus. Christian groups should be led by Christians.

Friends, please pray for us as well as for our universities as we look for a way for us to stay on campus to bless students while not compromising our beliefs or the calling that God has given us.

Have an excellent day!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer ACF!

Hello, friends! 

This past month or so as I've been seeing students around Columbia, one theme has jumped out... everyone is bored. 

Students are here in Columbia for a number of different reasons.  Some are here because they actually live here.  Others are taking classes.  Some have internships or jobs.  Whatever the case may be, most of them have more time on their hands than they know how to use.  Folks are looking for stuff to do and it breaks my heart. 

Normally, that void is filled by Summer ACF but this year it appears as though that won't be happening. 

Summer ACF is one of those things that never NEEDED to happen but somehow always did.  My personal ministry philosophy is that Summer programming is something that should be left to the students to organize and execute.  This is for a number of reasons.  One is that it can be fairly intensive to plan and during the Summer I am usually already working with a full plate.  That is especially true this summer given that we'll be in Cambodia in a few weeks. 

Another reason I like to leave it up to students is because it tells me a lot about the students who are going to be a part of the fellowship next year.  Summer ACF is a great way for students to step into places that they wouldn't normally go in terms of leading or even showing up.  Last year one of our students did an amazing job of organizing an entire Summer's worth of service projects.  The year before Summer ACF served as an onramp for a student who eventually came on to be a leader.  Not planning something is a great way to see who steps into the void. 

It appears as though this year the void will exist.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Asking students to lead something that they aren't comfortable leading is a great way to lead to burnout.  We have lots of students in Columbia this summer but few leaders.  Sometimes this stuff happens. 

But, there's still something we can do.  Please be praying for the students who are here in Columbia.  Pray that they will be pursuing community and pursuing Jesus in the midst of the Summer lull.  Pray that God will be preparing their hearts to receive once the school year starts again.  And, please pray that God will move in the students to step into places of faith and risk. 

Have an excellent day! 


Sunday, June 8, 2014

On Campus Shootings...

Hello, friends! 

It seems like every week we have new stories of shootings happening across the US.  A few of the most recent ones have hit really close to home. 

A few weeks ago, a multi-racial student opened fire on the campus at University of California - Santa Barbara, killing 6 and wounding another 13 students.  The shooter lamented the fact that he was multi-racial which is not only disturbing but also makes me think about the potential struggles that Meg and my kids may have down the road. 

Just a few days ago, a man fired on students at Seattle Pacific University, a private Christian college where InterVarsity President Alec Hill graduated and was once faculty.  More close to home, one of the victims was friends of an ACF student at Mizzou.  (If you'd like to donate to the funeral of the student, you can do so here

Now is not the time for me to share my views on gun control or to get into the politics of the issue.  However, it is a time for me to ask that we pray for the victims, their families, and the families of the shooters.  For the victims who are still fighting for their lives, we believe in a God who is the great physician, a God who can heal with just a word.  For the families of the victims, our God is the great comforter, the one who will dry every tear.  For the families of the shooters, our God is one who frees us from guilt and shame.  There is nothing that is too big for our God to forgive. 

Have an excellent day...


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Final Countdown!

Hello, friends! 

In just about 4 weeks, Megan and I will be leading a team of 7 students on our way to Cambodia for a missions trip.  Time certainly flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? 

There is still plenty to do in the time between now and then.  Not only do we have Cambodia stuff to do but we also have lots of other things to take care of.  Semesters need to be planned, family will be in town, and it would probably be a good idea for sleep to happen at some point. 

One question that I've been asked a fair amount these past few days when I've told everyone about all the stuff that needs to be done is, "is there anyway I can help"?  Normally, I tell them that there really isn't anything they can do since a lot of it is just planning that needs to get done by Megan or me.  But, as I was praying this morning, it dawned on me.  There IS something that you can do. 


Seriously, today I was definitely convicted that I need to be asking folk to intercede on behalf of the team more because without God working on this project, it's going to go nowhere.  Here are a few ways you can be praying for us. 

- Megan's passport is still being processed.  That needs to come in before we leave or she won't be joining us on the trip. 
- We have started the lesson planning for the English camp we are going to be leading.  Please pray for us as we prepare to teach the Cambodian students in a way that will be effective and helpful.
- Thus far, our team has raised about $13,000 of the $30,000 that we need to raise in order to pay for the trip.  Please pray that God will continue to show us favor as we pursue more financial partnership from friends and family.  (If you'd like to be a part of Team Cambodia, you can do so by clicking the link here.) 

- Lately we've had a fair number of what can only be described as spiritual attacks on the students who will be going with us on the trip.  Please pray that God will protect us as we prepare for to leave.
- Pray for the Cambodian students who we will be interacting with while we are there.  Pray that God will be preparing their hearts even before we meet. 
- Pray for the student movement in Cambodia.  Pray that our time there will lead to a student movement being established in the country. 

Friends, our work would be nothing if it wasn't for your prayers.  Thank you for partnering with us by interceding on our behalf. 

Have an excellent day! 


Monday, June 2, 2014


Hello, friends! 

My in-law's are in town, which is always a fun thing.  Megan's parents are wonderful folk and we really enjoy hanging out with them.  We're going to be spending time in St. Louis going to a Cardinal's game and seeing some sights out there.  There's a chance we spend some time in wine country too, depending on how tired we are after all the sight seeing. 

However, yesterday and today were special days because these days were spent gardening.  Megan has always wanted a garden here at our house but neither of us really knows how to start one.  Thankfully, Megan's parents have total green thumbs. 

So, for yesterday and today, I was gardening.  My role pretty much consisted of digging holes and shoveling mulch but you'd better believe I'm counting it as gardening!

The funny thing about the past few days is that the gardening did actually help me understand a lot of what Jesus was talking about when he spoke in parables and such.  Parables like the parable of the sower where there are different kinds of soil, the parable of the mustard seed where something small grows into something big, and the parables where God is the one who makes things grow regardless of whether or not the farmer is awake or asleep have always been understood by me on a cerebral level.  It's another thing entirely to have to till up really hard soil so a plant can be put in the ground, space out all the plants so that when they grow they won't crowd each other, and trust that eventually they will grow, even if we forget to water them. 

Of course, when Jesus was talking in parables he was talking about our interactions with people.  The parable of the sower is about how the Word of God hits people differently.  The mustard seed is in reference to our faith and how small acts of faith can lead to big results.  The parable of the sleeping farmer is a reminder that it is up to God to change hearts, not us. 

We'll post some photos probably on Facebook in a little bit to show y'all some progress.  Until then, we'll just keep on gardening and watching stuff grow! 

Have an excellent day! 
