Friday, March 3, 2023

An Ill-advised Road Trip...

Hello, friends! 

As has been stated here before, one of the best parts of my job right now is working with some women from the Bellevue Women's Basketball Team as they reach their teammates and other athletes at Bellevue. It's been a ton of fun getting to know the ladies as well as taking my kids to see some college basketball. Ezra has already decided that he's going to be going to Bellevue for college and that he'll be on their wall of fame. =0). 

Bellevue plays in the North Star Athletic Association (NSAA), which is part of the NAIA. A few months ago, as I was looking at the schedule, I noticed that the NSAA basketball championships were going to be taking place in Watertown, South Dakota, which is Megan's hometown. So long as Bellevue could make it to the semi-finals, they'd be in Watertown! 

The original plan was simple: Head to Watertown for the weekend at my in-law's house and spend part of Saturday watching the Bellevue Bruins win their semi-final match. 

Of course, things didn't quite go to plan. The big wrench in the plans was that my in-laws were actually going to be in Sioux Falls, watching our niece since her parents and older siblings were going to be in Kansas City for various things. So, here's what we did instead:

- Saturday morning, leave for Sioux Falls @ 9
- Meet the in-laws at Costco to fill up on gas and get lunch
- Drop Megan, Thaliea, and Jonah off at my sister-in-law's place so they can hang out with my in-laws and niece
- Drive with Ezra up to Watertown
- Buy a lot of snacks
- Watch Bellevue lose (The team showed some fight but it was a very frustrating game to watch) 
- Grab a snack for the way back
- Pick up Megan, Thaliea, and Jonah in Sioux Falls
- Get home around 10 and get the kids to bed

Was it a smart trip? Probably not. Was it worth it? I'd like to think so. It was good to spend some time with Ezra. It was good to support the team too. A win would have been better but that's how basketball goes sometimes. Will I do it again next year? I guess there's always a chance... =0). 

Have an excellent day!

I'm proud to say that I've created at least 2 new Bellevue basketball fans. 

It was fun watching the game with Ezra