Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Supernova

Hello, friends!

After 8 days in beautiful Southern California visiting with family and seeing old friends (Happy Thanksgiving by the way!) the Leong's are happy to be back in Omaha where there's snow on the ground and a chill in the air.

Last night, we got in around 11pm local time. We had to get off the plane, get our bags, then wait for the Lyft to get us home. By the time we finally walked through the door at Ruggles street, it was well past midnight, which is way past bedtime for both kids. This means that Megan and I got to see the Supernova in all its glory.

In astronomical terms, a Supernova is the explosion of a star. I don't know the exact physics of it but my understanding is that a Supernova radiates a whole lot of energy before collapsing on itself, leaving a dense core of what used to be the star.

However, in parenting, a Supernova is when your kid decides to give off an immense amount of energy before crashing at bedtime. It really is a sight to behold.

Ezra has 2 kinds of Supernovas. The physical Supernova is when he runs around like his hair is on fire. He runs under the table, does ridiculous dances, and generally is a wiggly mass of energy that is simultaneously frustrating and entertaining (though more the former than the latter).

What we got to see yesterday is the much more fun verbal Supernova. This is when he just starts talking and won't stop until he falls asleep. The stuff that comes out of that boy's mouth can only be described as terribly entertaining.

On the trip home last night, we got some real good stuff. There were conversations about triangles, squares, and circles. There was a story about an octopus eating crabs. Previous verbal Supernovas have included descriptions of our house in great detail and the assertion that Jesus wouldn't like to be eaten by ants (which, to be fair, is probably true). Every verbal Supernova is a new adventure.

For as long as he's been able to talk, Ezra has been a talker. We didn't know that he was especially verbal until the pediatrician told us. But, it totally makes sense and it's one of the things we love about him, especially when we get to see a verbal Supernova.

So, if you're ever in the mood for a fun night, come on over and put the kids to bed way past bedtime. You may get to see our son talk himself to sleep. And Megan and I wouldn't mind someone watching the kids while we went out in a date either. =0).

Have an excellent day!


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Prospective Staff Weekend!!!

Hello, friends!

Thanks to everyone who way praying for us as we made our Missouri road trip last week. Besides a little bit of sickness for me (and then Thaliea) it was a great trip. Both Megan and I thought that our trainings went well and it was good to see Aunt Judi and my dad who ended up coming into town. Ezra and Thaliea definitely enjoyed being spoiled by "Gu Pah" (Great Aunt) and Gung Gung (Grandpa).

Even though we just got back on Sunday, it's almost time to hit the road again! On Saturday we'll be heading to Kansas City for Prospective Staff Weekend (PSW), which is when folk from all over our Region who are interested in potentially joining staff come together so we can help them begin the discernment process. It's honestly one of my favorite things that we do as a Region.

My job is going to be laying out the MPD portion of staff life. I'll hopefully be casting a vision that MPD is different from fundraising and that our desire for partnership should motivate us as opposed to scare us, when it comes to MPD. I did the same section last year and I really enjoyed it. It was also well received. Here's hoping the sequel is as good as the original. =0).

Friends, please be praying for us as we prepare for PSW. There are a few specific ways you can be praying:
- Journey's mercies to and from Kansas City. The kids did pretty well on our Missouri trip. Here's hoping we have a repeat.
- Megan and I will both be leading small groups. She's much better at leading them than I am. Pray that we will be helpful as we begin the discernment process with prospective staff.
- I'll be doing the MPD talk and Megan will be a part of a panel on "a day in the life of staff." Please pray that God will speak through us in each of our sections.

Next week is Thanksgiving so no post next week. But, I do want to say that I'm thankful for all of you.

Have an excellent day!
