Sunday, July 5, 2015

On Family...

Hello, friends!

Ezra was born just a few weeks ago but he brought a whole lot of family with him. It's been such a blessing to have so many people come from so many places to help out and show support for our new family. Here's how the calendar has been.

July 5: I call Meg's parents as soon as it's decided that she's in active labor. They leave from South Dakota.
July 6: At 1:30am, Meg's parents get into town. We see them a few hours later after they sleep at our house.
July 7: Meg's dad returns to Watertown to work. Meg's mom stays.
July 10: Meg's dad returns to Columbia, this time with Meg's oldest sister and 2 of her children (Elena is 8 and Claire is 2) in tow.
July 13: Meg's family heads back to South Dakota and it's just the 3 of us for the next few days. Commence freaking out.
July 17: Aunt Judi and 3 of her kids come to visit and they bring Mama Leong, who will be here until the end of the month.
July 21: I drive to StL to pick up my brother Phuzz, who will be visiting until Saturday.

At some point my fourth cousin (Aunt Judi's daughter who didn't make the first trip) and another cousin will be coming to visit, which will be great too. My dad is going to visit in early September, my older sister in mid September, and my younger sister will be coming it to visit too sometime between now and September.

Friends, I can't tell you how wonderful it has been having family in town. Apart from all the extra hands who can hold Ezra while Megan and I get some extra sleep, all the meals and desserts that have been expertly cooked, and all the house projects that are getting done, it's just been fun hosting family. Usually it's us who are traveling to visit family so it's been a blessing to be able to hang tight while the family comes to us.

Once all the travel settles down it'll be a new adventure for us but for now we are just enjoying the ride of family coming through to visit the little guy.

Have an excellent day!


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