Sunday, July 5, 2015

Back to Work!

Hello, friends!

So, I'm writing on the blog, which means I'm back at work! I took 2 weeks off so I could get to know Rara and help Megan with all the stuff that needed help. It was an amazing 2 weeks and I'm bummed to go back. Here are a few thoughts on getting back into the grind.

Taking off time really puts you behind! Over the course of 2 weeks, I accumulated over 200 emails. Most of them didn't need to be answered but it was definitely a little overwhelming to check my inbox Tuesday morning and see a big fat stack of unread emails.

Not working wasn't all that hard. As a workaholic, I was certain that it was going to be nearly impossible for me to not think about work. When added to all the different projects that I'm working on, things are looking bleak. In actuality, it was easier than expected. All I did was turn off auto-sync on my email for my phone and it was definitely "out of sight, out of mind." Of course, it didn't hurt that I pretty much wanted to spend every second with my new son.

There is but there isn't a lot to do the first weeks of a baby's life. On the one hand, the first few weeks of parenthood have been intense. Between feeding, changing, and rocking to sleep, there are times during the day when there's a TON to do. But then again, babies sleep a lot too. I'm not complaining about it, and Rara definitely knows how to sleep, it's just interesting to me that there's a little more downtime than I had anticipated.

Going back is hard but also great. I've actually enjoyed the past few days of work. It's good to get back into the swing of things. I've enjoyed catching up on projects and preparing for the year ahead. It's good that apparently I still enjoy my job. =0).

Once the school year starts, things will be significantly different again. Right now most of my work can be done from home so I can still be around. Once students return to campus though, then we'll really see how I can handle being away from the house for so long.

Have an excellent day!


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