Thursday, June 14, 2012

How Adam Got His Groove Back...

Hello, friends!

I have been told that I am an odd staff worker on more than one occasion.  It isn't because I am a flaming extrovert.  It isn't because I am highly competitive and like to play games.  It isn't even because of the high socks that I always wear (ok, maybe that's part of it).  The reason people consider me an odd staff worker is because I love, LOVE to fundraise.  It might be one of my favorite parts of the job.

For those of you who don't know, as InterVarsity staff, part of my job is to fundraise my budget.  This not only includes my pay and health insurance (both are VERY important) but it also covers ministry expenses like food for students, travel, and conferences.  Without fundraising, the amount of time that I could be on campus and the impact that I could have would be severely diminished.

Like I said in a previous post, I have had the great blessing of being fully funded.  I recognize that this is a gift from God that I have more time to devote to students and to Mizzou as a whole.  But, there is a part of me that has missed the fundraising aspect of my job.  Meeting with partners, doing asks, and casting vision are things that I have missed doing.  I've missed presenting at dessert nights and in front of church mission committees.  Honestly, I've missed the thrill of seeing my percentages go up and me get closer to my goal.

Well, friends, it's time to get back to work!  With the upcoming transitions ahead of me, Meg and I have the pleasure of raising another $30,000 within the next year.  But, you know me.  I am a "Go Big or Go Home" kind of guy.  So our goal is to have that $30,000 pledged by the END OF JULY.

Now, I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking, Adam, that is a LOT of money.  Yes, yes it is.  But, we've broken it down this way:
- 10 new donors or increases of $100/month
- 10 new donors or increases of $50/month
- 10 new donors or increases of $25/month
- 2 major donors of $4,500 annually

That's it!  32 new members to the team and we are golden.  Friends, I am inviting you to be one of our new partners or to increase your giving.  Of course, pray about it.  Talk to your spouse and Jesus.  You can even talk to me about it if you'd like.  Actually, I would love to meet with each and every one of you who is interested.  =0).  But please, do consider becoming a part of our team, impacting students at Mizzou, UMSL, and Florissant Valley Community College.

Prayer Points:
- This funding campaign can't happen without prayer.  Please pray that God will be Jehovah Jireh for us and provide in a big way.
- Please do pray about becoming a part of our team.  Then email me so we can chat if you have any questions.  Meg and I would love to talk.

Have an excellent day!


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