Monday, June 25, 2012

Three Very Special Ladies...

Hello, friends!
In my 27.5 years of existence, I have learned a great deal of things about myself.  One of those things is that I will always be a sucker for the fairer sex. 

There is a personality test called the Myers-Briggs Typology Index (MBTI) that more or less categorizes everyone into 16 different types of people, based on 4 characteristics.  There are Extroverts (E) who get energy from people and Introverts (I) who get energy from solitude.  There are Intuitive types (N) who "go with their gut" and Sensing types (S) who like to gather as much information as possible.  There are Thinkers (T) who think objectively and Feelers (F) who think subjectively.  There are Judgers (J) who like structure and order and Perceivers (P) who like to "go with the flow."  If you'd like to find out what you are, you can take this test here.  It is important to note that no one personality type is better than the other.  Both sides of every characteristic have positive and negative attributes.  Can you guess what my personality type is? 

For those of you scoring at home, I am an ESTJ.  I am a weakly expressed extrovert and sensing type, meaning, and a fairly strong judger.  The area where I am off the charts is my thinking.  Often to my own detriment, I see the world through cold, calculating eyes.  The joke my friends have is that I had an emotion once, but I didn't like it, so I put it away.  =0).  In most areas, I think very objectively, don't let emotions get in the way, and speak truth, often at the cost of tact (which I really need to learn). 

But, when it comes to three very special ladies, for some reason, I am a completely different person.  I'm not saying it's a good thing or a bad thing, merely an observation. 

Lady Number 1: Mama Leong.  Simply put, ever since I started following Jesus for real, I have turned into a Mama's boy.  My favorite phrase is "Yes, ma."  It doesn't matter what she needs or how silly it may sound on the surface.  If Mama wants it, Mama is going to get it.  I am heading back to California in a few days and I very much expect it to be full of house projects, computer fixes, and dinners out.  Why, because Mama Leong wants it and I am more than happy to oblige. 

Lady Number 2: VV the Niece.  Vienna Chuang is only 7 months old but already she has totally captured my heart.  Her mama and papa (read: my sister and her husband) came into town this past weekend for a wedding, which means I got to spend some time with my first niece.  I hadn't seen her in person since she was born so this was mighty momentous.  Normally, when I talk to babies and puppies, I make it a point to keep my voice at the same pitch I would use when talking to adults.  It has always bothered me when folk get all high pitched when talking to babies and animals.  You sound silly!  Well, guess what I did as soon as I saw VV for the first time.  I actually caught my voice going up a few pitches.  I couldn't help myself.  I've only known her for 7 months and she's already changing me.  =0). 

Lady Number 3: Meg.  Ah, I saved the best for last.  Pretty much, with all apologies to Mama, I have never loved anyone more than I do Meg (non-Jesus division).  In just about 3 months we are going to be married and the thought of spending my life with her gets me really excited.  When we are together, the only thing that I want to do is make her happy.  We have hard conversations and we don't agree on everything, but at the end of the day, that is my goal.  She could ask me to jump off a cliff and I'm pretty sure I would strongly consider it if I knew that it would bless her in some way.  I literally thank Jesus for her every day.  In Ephesians, Paul talks about loving your wife in the same way that Christ loved the church, pretty much defying all logic and making huge, crazy, illogical sacrifices for the sake of the relationship.  Meg and I aren't married yet, but I already feel that way about her.  Here's to hoping that feeling (or thought, I guess) never goes away. 

Have an excellent day! 


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