Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rest Redefined...

Hello, friends! 

Last weekend I had the pleasure of joining Meg on a Church retreat in beautiful Warrensburg, MO.  Since I have moved to Saint Louis, Meg and I have been going to church together at Jubilee StL, where she has been going for the past few years.  I really like the people there and have already made some good connections with a few men.

My plan for the retreat was simple.  I wanted to get some time in for rest and prepare myself for the summer as much as possible.  If you know me, you know that I take my Sabbath very seriously.  A rested Adam is a happy Adam and a happy Adam doesn't burn out doing ministry. 

Of course, God had other things in mind.  At dinner another Jubilee person sat next to us and started pouring out his heart about how much life had hurt him and how he wasn't sure of where he was with Jesus.  Meg and the gal who was eating with us asked a few questions while I mostly just sat and listened.  Honestly, part of me was trying to take it all in and process it well, but part of me also wanted to disengage so that I could "rest proper."  It didn't help that the man who sat next to us was also going to be my roommate for the weekend. 

During the session that night I was reminded of the story of when Jesus fed the 5000.  The disciples were ready for a break.  They wanted to rest after casting out demons and declaring the Kingdom of God.  They had retreated to a little town and were probably ready for some time of being poured into by Jesus.  But, the crowds came and they needed to be fed. 

What strikes me about that story is how Jesus defines rest.  Rest is not necessarily doing something or not doing something else.  It is being with Jesus and going where He is, letting His power be enough to do whatever needs to be done.  Rest is not mutually exclusive from compassion.  The crowds needed to be fed.  This brother needed to process. 

So, that night I, before bed, I asked him a few questions, gave a few thoughts about Jesus, and prayed for him before going to sleep.  The next morning we talked some more over breakfast and I could tell that he was in a better place.  Was it the most physically restful thing ever?  No, more time sleeping and a quiet breakfast would have given me more physical rest.  But, I was able to partner with Jesus in order to show compassion.  That sounds pretty sweet to me. 

Have an excellent day! 


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