Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hello, friends!

One of the things that I have told people for a really long time is that my goal in life is to make myself obsolete.  From a campus ministry standpoint, that means building up student leaders and a sense of community that can survive if I am not present.  Last night I was so blessed to see some of the fruit toward that goal.

In my previous post I told you about my slightly ridiculous travel schedule for this upcoming year.  Well, last night was Wednesday so I knew that I was going to be heading back to StL that night.  But, not before having a little ACF shindig in the evening.

Apparently, I have a massive backyard, and one that is super conducive to bonfires.  There is plenty of open space and so long as we keep things well contained, the backyard is the perfect place to grill up some dogs and s'mores.  About 15 or so ACFers came by to enjoy community and some flame grilled goodness.  All said and done, it was a pretty solid event, especially for one that took such little prep.

But, that wasn't the highlight of the night for me.  The highlight of the night came after everything was cleaned up and the party moved inside.  I had to pack up all my things to head to Saint Louis, so I couldn't really be much of a host.  It was already 9:15 at that point and if I wanted to get to Saint Louis at a reasonable hour, I had to pack.  The funny part, and the part that made me smile, is that nobody missed me.  While I continued to pack downstairs, students continued to hang out and chat upstairs. There were recently graduated seniors talking about life post-college, students teaching other students how to play Settlers of Catan, and some just chilling on the couch.  This could have been anyone's house and anyone could have been hosting.  As I said goodbye, there was hardly a ripple in the room.  At least for one night, I was unnecessary and it felt really good.

Prayer Points:
- Please pray for Summer ACF as we start the planning process.  We have some students who are interested in leading, which is exciting, but there is still much to be done.
-I will be returning to California June 27-July10 and will be preaching at my home church on the 8th.  Please pray that God will give me a word as I prepare to preach.
- I am going to be gone this weekend on a church retreat with Meg.  Please pray that God will speak to both of us there and that we will come back refreshed and ready to take on the summer.

Have an excellent day!  


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