Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Tribute to a Roommate...

Hello, friends! 
In a few months, it will be the end of an era... My roommate of the past 5 years, Andrew, will be moving out and off to a far off land yet to be determined.  During my time in Columbia, there have been a number of transitions and changes.  One thing that has stayed constant is the Andrew and I have always lived under the same roof.  In honor of the 3 other roommates we had during our 5 years together, I would like to share, in no particular order, the 3 things that I will miss most about Andrew/Dr. Moon/MoonPi.

1) Andrew is a great cook.  Andrew has a few stock dishes that he loves to cook.  Kimchi Jigae, Curry, Chili, and Spaghetti are a few of his standards and each of them is delicious.  I cook, but pretty much only when I need to.  The past 5 years, because Andrew has been such a great cook and because he likes to cook so much, there have been very few opportunities for me to cook.  But, I'm not complaining.  It's been a beautiful thing coming home to a homecooked meal. 

2) Andrew genuinely cares about students.  I can't tell you the number of times that he and I have been up late talking about this student or that, trying to figure out what they need and how ACF can provide that for them.  He has had a ton of great one-on-one conversations with students and I know that they absolutely appreciate it.  It has been a pleasure watching him be a big brother to the ACFers in a number of different ways. 

3) Andrew loves Jesus.  One of the things that I appreciate the most about Andrew is that he genuinely wants to follow Jesus in everything that he does.  From his interactions with folk to his job decisions, to every other part of his life, one thing that you can count on is Jesus being a part of that decision.  I have been allowed into his process a number of times and can appreciate how much prayer and thinking he takes into every decision. 

So, to my good friend, Dr. Andrew Moon, I say thanks for the good times and blessings in the next stage of life.  I will miss you, brother.

Have an excellent day! 



  1. adam! did you watch the bromance video? lol..thought of this while reading your post ;)

  2. Adam Leong,
    You are a dearly loved roommate, partner in ministry, and friend. This post totally surprised me, and I deeply appreciate the kind words. I also will miss our years in the mancave. While many roommate relationships crumble or turn into "indifferent coexistence", God created a bridge between two very different people and made them into a darkness-fighting, kingdom-advancing, healing-bringing, Holy Spirit charged, all-star team. =) As we move forward in life (you to marriage and me to being a professor!), it is a major accomplishment that we can both look back at these roommate years with satisfaction. And let us continue to put our faith and hope not in ourselves but in Him who alone is worthy of our complete trust and dependence.

    Glad you like my food! =)

    Always your friend and brother in Christ,
