Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Let the Games Begin!!!

Hello, friends!

I am writing to you from BEAUTIFUL Columbia, Missouri, where I will be for the next few days.  Of course, I hate not being in Saint Louis with my BEAUTIFUL fiancee, Meg, but duty calls and I must answer. 

Today marks the beginning of the school year for Mizzou ACF.  Classes don't officially start until next Monday but students have begun to move back to CoMo and the campus is already full of life.  It was the right time for me to come and make sure that we are well prepared to start the year well. 

What does that entail?  Pretty much it means a whole lot of meetings with ACF Leaders.  I have 3 set up for today with a few more tomorrow and Thursday before our Pre-Fall Retreat on Friday and Saturday.  My goal is to make sure that each of our ACF leaders is ready to rock and roll in whatever role they have for this year.  If they are leading a small group, I want them to be confident in their abilities as a small group leader.  If they are leading Large Group, I want them to be ready to put on a Large Group that will be engaging and enlightening.  I want our New Student Outreach to actually reach students.  Pretty much, I want us to be poised for the best year ever.  =0).

I think I have a special sense of urgency this year because of my reduced role and time in CoMo this year.  When I was living out here, the pace was more relaxed because if there was anything that we weren't prepared to handle, I was in town and could handle it.  Now, with me only being in town 2 days a week, I have to trust the ACF leaders more.  I can tell you right now that they have been doing an excellent job. 

So please, pray for us.  Pray for our NSO.  Pray for our Pre-Fall Retreat.  Pray for the leaders and pray for me as I lead them.  Pray, pray, pray! 

Have an excellent day!


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