Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hello, friends! 

The past 2 days I have been fighting some health issues.  Wednesday, I had a migraine for most of the day and today I had a headache in the morning that I am still fighting a bit.  I don't have the cleanest bill of health, so there are probably a number of reasons as to why these are coming now. 

- It could be the weather.  I've learned that I am susceptible to changes in the weather.  When the weather fluxuates I have a tendency to get migraines.  There have been some studies done on the subject that look interesting.  But, the weather hasn't changed TOO much over the past few days, so I am not sure that weather is the full answer. 

- It could be my hair.  Mama insists that the reason that I get migraines is because my hair is too long.  I think it's just her way of telling me that I need to cut my hair.  =0).  Actually, it probably isn't that.  I just had my hair cut about 2 weeks ago and I am still in the fairly short range. 

- It could be stress.  Tension headaches are a normal part of life.  With the Pre-Fall Retreat happening this weekend, wedding planning, the beginning of school, and being away from Meg for more than 36 hours, I could be under a lot of stress.  But, I don't actually feel very stressed.  The planning is coming along in all facets and I have been spending a ton of time in prayer in preparation for this season. 

So, what do I think it is?  I think it is emotional exhaustion.  On Tuesday and Wednesday I had 4 meetings with ACFers.  3 of them ended up being pastoral in nature.  The time for those meetings?  100 minutes, 70 minutes, 120 minutes, 150 minutes.  So, if you put all that together, I'm looking at over 7 hours of discipleship.  If only half of that is spent pastorally we are still looking at 3.5 hours of pastoral care. 

For some folk, that is a piece of cake.  For some folk, that is a joy!  For some folk, that is no big deal.  I, however, am not one of those folk.  While I have spent the past few years stretching my pastoral muscles, I am still a rookie in many ways.  Honestly, I think that my brain is just exhausted from talking about emotions and such with folk.  =0). 

Prayer points:
- Tomorrow is our Pre-Fall Retreat.  I am confident that God is going to do something great.  Please join us in prayer. 
- Heath.  Healing would be great.  Thanks! 

Have an excellent day! 


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