Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hello, friends!

At long last, we are approaching the new school year!  In just a few days, the ACF leaders and I will be coming together in Columbia to reconnect with one another, reconnect with Jesus, and set our agenda for the upcoming year.  This is right about the time when the impending school year really feels like it is on its way.  Instead of using the term "next year," it is officially "this year."

With the new school year comes a new set of goals.  Understand that I love goals, especially when they are reached.  I may not love them as much as this guy but I still think they are a valuable tool to use in order to achieve one's best.  Right now, I am working with some of the ACF leaders to solidify what our goals will be for this year.

But, this is where things get tricky.  See, campus ministry isn't like a business in that the goals are a little more fluid and harder to define with integrity.  There is always a tension between setting numerical goals and using more qualitative goal metrics.  Let me give you an example.

Let's suppose we use a numerical goal and our goal is to average 40 people at Large Group per week.  The temptation there is to make the goal an idol of sorts and do whatever it takes to make sure that goal is achieved.  There are healthy ways to achieve that goal, say, doing better follow up and printing more flyers but there are also unhealthy ways, like guilting or begging students to come and giving out $5 bills at the door.  To make sure we do not fall into that temptation, we could go with a totally qualitative goal, like, "this year, we want folk to love Jesus more."  The problem with that is that there is no way for us to measure that well.

So, that is what I am working on now.  I want ACF, BCM, and Flo Valley to all pursue goals with integrity and trust in Jesus, not the schemes of man.  Would you please pray with me as we prepare for the new school year to come?

Have an excellent day!


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