Tuesday, July 3, 2012

To Mama and Papa

Hello, friends! 
Today is a special day.  Not because it is 4th of July Eve, although that is pretty cool, but because today Mama and Papa Leong celebrate their 32nd wedding anniversary!  That's right, 32 years ago today, Mama and Papa Leong tied the knot, setting up a chain of events that has led to 4 children, 1 grandchild (so far), and countless lives touched and changed. 

I figure today is a good a day as any to dote on the parentals, seeing how I don't really do that enough (well, at least not enough to them).  =0). 

First, there is Mama Leong.  You already know that she is one of the most important ladies in my life but really, is it possible to talk about Mama enough?  One thing that I appreciate the most about Mama is that she has never ever given me a reason to doubt that she loved me.  Even when I was a punk teenager (sometimes I still act that way), there was never doubt that Mama loved me.  She uses the traditional methods, telling me that she loves me, giving me hugs and kisses, and things like that.  But, she also uses more subtles.  I have been blessed to never be in want.  Mama is incredibly generous, with her time, her money, and her energy.  If there is one thing that I have learned from Mama is that people should be valued over self and that taking care of your family is always worth it.  (BTW, that photo is of Mama touching the Washington Monument).

My siblings (T, Phuzz, and The Kid) and I have a joke that if anyone is going to grow up to be like Papa, it will be me.  I have adopted many of his mannerisms, some of his personality, and just recently I found out that I even sign my name like he does.  If anyone was his father's son, it would be me.  And, you know what?  If I ended up like Papa, that would be fine by me.  To be like Papa would be to display a quiet strength and an even temperment, regardless of what life throws your way.  It would mean that I live a life of humility and determination to provide.  It would mean that I was a servant and one who genuinely cares about people.  It would also mean that I was an above average bowler and pretty boss at Freecell.  That can't be bad, right?  =0).

So, here's to you, Mama and Papa Leong.  Directly and indirectly, you made me the man that I am today, a devoted follower of Jesus who loves his family very much. 

Have an excellent day! 


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