Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To (2 of) My BFF's...

Hello, friends!

It's Tuesday and I think I have finally recovered from my weekend hangover.  No, friends, I wasn't out drinking; this was more of an emotional hangover.  On Saturday, two of my very best friends in the whole wide world got married.  Isn't life exciting?!

Thomas "T-mo" Moore and I have known each other since Freshman year when we were both in a Freshman men's small group for InterVarsity.  He was the kid from Saint Louis and I was the kid who acted like he was from Saint Louis.  Eventually, he concentrated more and more of his time into Harambee, the Black Campus Ministry at WashU (Go Bears!) and I spent more time with ACF, but we have always been friends.  We lived together Sophomore year as well as one year after college when we both interned with InterVarsity.  I can't exactly explain it but T-mo and I have always been on the same wave length.  I think in the almost 10 years that we've know each other, we've only had one serious disagreement (I was right).  =0).  We have encouraged each other as we've faced the rigors of leadership and the hardships that come with following Jesus for real.  One of the things that I have always appreciated about T-mo is that he has always been willing to help me when I needed it.  If I have helped him half as much as he has helped me over the years, I will consider it a good run.

A quick story to illustrate the point.  T-mo got married on Saturday but do you know what he was doing on Wednesday and Thursday?  He was writing code for my wedding's RSVP site.  2 days before his wedding he's helping me.  If that isn't a friend, I don't know what is.

Honestly, the only way that I can describe "Miss" Ashley Moore is that she is my friend.  Miss Ashley and I also met Freshman year, although we really didn't become really good friends until Sophomore year.  Like T-mo, she was involved in Harambee but also like T-mo, she and I were able to share the rigors of leadership together.  Sophomore year it could have been argued that I was her 4th roommate.  =0).  These past 5 years, I have had the pleasure of calling Miss Ashley not only my friend, but also a co-laborer in Christ.  As we have grown as staff with InterVarsity together, I am forever indebted to Miss Ashley for helping me see the other side of things.  As someone who does not hold feelings in high regard (I'm working on it, I promise), seeing Miss Ashley's compassion and genuine love for students has put me in my place on more than one occasion.

I would like to think that Miss Ashley and I even each other out a little bit.  When I get too business-y or start to forget about people, she's right there to get me back on track.  When Miss Ashley needs to relax or do something goofy, you can be that my phone will be ringing soon.  Whether it be Settlers of Catan (she always wins) or Tecmo Superbowl (I always win) you can guarantee that Miss Ashley and I are going to have a good time.

Friends, I'll be honest; I didn't see this one coming.  During our time in undergrad, and even during our intern year, it never dawned on me that those two would end up together.  In fact, I would guess that they didn't think so either.  It reminds me of Harry Potter a little bit.  Who knew that Ron and Hermoine would get together?  But, I'm glad that they did.  How could I not be happy?  My prayer for my friends is always that they find someone who loves Jesus and will encourage them to love Jesus more too.  I know that Ashley will do that for T-mo and vice versa.

So, here's to you, Miss Ashley and T-mo.  It has been a pleasure being your friend these past few years and I relish the opportunity to continue in that friendship.  Thank you for letting me be a groomsman and the MC for your wedding.  I couldn't have asked for a greater honor.  Enjoy your time in Seattle, and remember that you have a friend here in Saint Louis.

Have an excellent day!


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