Thursday, July 12, 2012


Hello, friends! 
Those who know me know that I try to be an athlete.  The truth is that I am not an incredible athlete but I try hard and have enough skill to usually not embarrass myself.  For me, athleticism comes down to 5 categories:

- Strength: How much force can you exert?
- Stamina: How long can you exert it?
- Speed: How quickly can you move?
- Agility: How quickly can you react?
- Balance: How well can you stay on your feet? 

What I've found to be true is that life is very similar to athletics.  Ok, maybe I am just trying to justify my love of sports, but hear me out, ok?  If you want to succeed in life, including relationships, work, etc., don't you need these 5 areas as well?  If you have no strength in your relationships, you are a pushover (and no one likes a pushover).  If you are lacking agility in your job, you probably won't last very long in your job because something unexpected always comes up. 

From a WHOLE life perspective, this is absolutely true as well.  I believe that a life worth living is one that exemplifies these characteristics.  Even better, a life of following Jesus exemplifies these characteristics. 

- Strength: Are you making an impact for the kingdom?
- Stamina: Are you being sustained by your own efforts, or through your relationship with Jesus?
- Speed: Are you seeing where God is moving and joining Him without hesitation?
- Agility: Are you seeing the unexpected with fear or trust?
- Balance: Are you giving each thing the love that it deserves? 

I think that of those, balance is probably the one that is hardest to do well in campus work.  There is always a tendency to undervalue the work that you have done on campus and assume that you need to do more.  Working a 40 hour week isn't enough.  Good staff work 50-60, don't they?  Shouldn't I be available at all hours of the day, meeting with students whenever they need me, as well as donors, local pastors, and my supervisor? 

Pretty much, no.  =0).  Balance absolutely is a whole life thing and for campus staff, remembering that our job is only part of our lives is a little bit tough.  There are times when it makes sense to not go 150% on campus in order to focus on other parts of your life.  As my supervisor puts it, "Balance does not mean equal time.  Sometimes balance means spending more time in one area at the cost of another." 

Right now I am planning a wedding, searching for a place for Meg and me to live in Saint Louis, transitioning back to Saint Louis, fundraising, and prepping for 3 chapters.  I love every minute of it.  But, it would be irresponsible for me to go 150% in each of these areas.  I would burn out and that's not a good thing. 

So, I am learning balance.  I am learning how to discern where God wants me when God wants me, and trusting that He will make up for the things that I lack.  It's a process but I think it is a good one. 

Have an excellent day!


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