Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Brokenness of Homecoming...

Hello, friends! 

This weekend was Mizzou's homecoming.  According to legend, homecoming was founded at Mizzou in 1911 when our Athletic Director Chester Brewer encouraged all Mizzou alumni to "come home" and cheer on the Tigers vs. the dastardly Jayhawks of KU (the final score was a 3-3 tie).  It was meant to be a time of coming together, a time to renew school spirit, and a time to root for the home team. 

It's amazing what can happen in 100 years.  What was once a chance to come together and cheer on your alma mater has turned into a chance to get together with old friends and get absolutely smashed drunk.  Both Megan and I almost hit drunk folk when they stumbled into the street outside of a bar.  Thankfully, no one was hurt but it could have been a really bad situation. 

What has happened?  Maybe it's the culture of the time.  Maybe it's a symptom of society.  Maybe it has always been like this.  There is probably some truth to each of those thoughts.  Honestly, though, I think it's come down to this: more and more, people are looking for something and are realizing that what they have now isn't doing it. 

Megan and I were talking yesterday and we were trying to figure out what the appeal of getting drunk is.  It costs money.  It leads to hangovers that don't look like a lot of fun.  There are stories every day of folk making poor decisions while drunk and the horrific consequences that come from those decisions.  What is the appeal?  We think it comes down to escapism.  Folk want to escape from the fact that life hasn't turned out how they thought it would.  It's easier to get drunk and forget for a few hours than to remember that life isn't what you wanted. 

Which brings us back to homecoming.  Why not come back and "relive the good old days"?  Who cares that most of your time was spent stressing about your classes, trying to get an internship, and worried that the guy our gal you met last week won't call?  It's time to get slammed! 

If I sound pissed, it's because I am, but it isn't as much at the students and alumni as it is with the brokenness of the world today.  The Evil one has implanted the lie in our minds that the only way to deal with our problems is to try and escape them.  There is the lie that getting drunk and sinning is fun with no consequences.  It breaks my heart to see so many people drifting further and further from the fullness of life with Jesus and having no idea of what is happening. 

So, my friends, please continue to pray for our universities and our students.  I took this job because I believe that we can have an impact and turn things around on college campuses all over the country.  It begins with prayer.  Please pray that these students and alumni will be looking for something more.  Please pray that as they look, they find Jesus.  Please pray that the students who follow Jesus will be a light on this campus. 

Have an excellent day! 


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