Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Migraine Season!

Hello, friends! 

Happy October to you all, which of course, means happy migraine season for me! 

It's been an interesting 15-18 years living with migraines.  I'm not entirely sure why I've been getting them or why they continue to happen but they happen and they've become part of my life. 

From what I understand, people react differently to migraines.  Some are light sensitive.  Others are sound sensitive.  Some have nausea.  Mine are a little bit of light sensitivity but it is mostly dizziness with some vertigo thrown in there for good measure.  Pretty much, if I have a migraine, I can't spend too much time "vertical" meaning that standing and walking are a chore.  Forget driving or biking too because those are definitely out of the question.  It makes for a very debilitating migraine. 

Allow me to give you a little tip about how to talk to folk with migraines.  If you do not suffer from migraines, do not suggest causes.  I know you're trying to help but it probably doesn't and I've probably already thought of it.  I would abstain from suggesting remedies too.  It's not that I don't think you care; it's that you haven't been living with this for 15 years.  =0). 

So, my friends, please be praying for me this season.  For some reason, the migraines are the worst during the months of October and March.  I've already had 4-5 this October, which is about par for the course. 

Have an excellent day! 


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