Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hooray for Alumni!

Hello, friends! 

It's starting to get pretty chilly here in Columbia, MO, which is great for some but a little tough for those of us who bike to campus.  I'm not saying that it's too cold to bike.  I'm just saying that I rocked the gloves and the earmuffs on the commute today.  =0). 

One of the things that I have been thinking about a lot this season of ministry has been how great it is to have so many alumni for Mizzou ACF and the different ways that they have partnered with us after they graduate as we bring the Gospel to the campus.  A number of alumni are financial partners, which is great, but it has also been so cool to see the way that alumni have been serving as well.  Jordan and Charis are who ACF alumni and they are both interning this year in Columbia.  Esther is one of the original ACFers who is now serving with us as a volunteer.  Paula is another alumna who graduated last year who not only did an EXCELLENT job leading worship at Fall Conference but will also be speaking for us tonight at Large Group.  It has been such a pleasure seeing each of these alumni work and being able to continue in relationship with them. 

Campus ministry is tough in the sense that you only have a limited amount of time with people.  In other settings, time is less of an issue.  In college ministry, you know that you have 3-5 years max to invest in students in a real intentional way.  After that, they are off into the "real world" and the best you can do is pray that you've prepared them to be followers of Jesus.  When I get to talk and work with alumni, it is a continuing of the relationship, which I really enjoy.  It is such a joy to see that former students are still following Jesus and are making waves for the kingdom. 

Graduating is hard though.  As I've talked to alumni, one of the things that has jumped out to me is how tough the transition is, regardless of what you are doing next.  The students who go to Grad School and the students who go into the work force are all feeling the issue of finding community and transitioning to life after college.  Unfortunately, it isn't quite the same as in college, when New Student Outreach and being sought out are rites of passage. 

So, to the Mizzou ACF alumni, please remember that you always have a place here at ACF and that I am super thankful for the time that you spent in ACF.  We are what we are today because of your influence, as large or small as you think it may have been. 

To everyone else, please be praying for all of the ACFers who have walked through our doors.  Pray that they will be encouraged in their transitions and that they will continue to follow Jesus wherever they are. 

Have an excellent day! 


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