Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hooray for Scouting!!!

Hello, friends! 

Looking back at my last few posts, they haven't really been much about the stuff that has been happening on campus, have they?  There have been a few personal posts and rants and things of that nature.  Well, this blog was originally meant to be a way for me to let folk know what is happening on campus so you can better pray and partner with us even if you don't live in beautiful Columbia, Missouri.  With that being said, what do we say we have a post about something that's actually happening on campus but not really?  =0). 

When Megan and I moved here to Columbia, it was not just to be the staff for Mizzou ACF.  I love Mizzou ACF with all my heart but there was definitely more to coming back here than just taking back the old job.  We moved here as Team Leaders with the hope of planting the Mid-Missouri area, made up of all sorts of chapters on campuses all over Mid-Missouri.  (We are defining Mid-Missouri loosely, as it pretty much means anything that isn't St. Louis or Kansas City at this point). 

In order for us to do that, it requires that we do some scouting to see where the Spirit is moving.  Just within 60 minutes of where we live we have Mizzou, Columbia College, Stephens College, two locations for Moberly Area Community College, Lincoln University, William Woods University, Westminster College, and Central Methodist University.  Add a half hour to your commute and you can throw Missouri University of Science and Technology, State Fair Community College, University of Central Missouri, and Truman State University to that list.  Without us scouting these campuses, we would be literally running around Missouri without any plan or any sense of what these campuses need. 

So, the past few weeks have been spent scouting these different campuses.  We had students from Missouri State (Springfield is about 3 hours from Columbia) and MS&T join us at Fall Conference and Megan was able to have a conversation with them about their thoughts on the campus and what the needs are there.  Some of our ACF students did a prayer walk in Greek Town at Mizzou to see if there was anything to be done there.  Megan took one of our volunteers and a student leader to Lincoln to pray and meet some students.  Last week, Megan and I went to Moberly to do the same there.  It's been a crazy few weeks filled with meeting new people, interesting conversations, and getting to know the area known as "Mid-MO." 

Honestly, I don't know if we've gotten a huge sense of what is next for us but we're excited about the prospect of getting closer to knowing what our next step will be.

This is where you come in.  Please be praying for us as we continue to scout and discern what God has next for Mid-MO.  If everyone who reads this post spends just 10 minutes listening to God on our behalf I'll bet that God will speak in a really powerful way.  If you hear anything, you could just send it along to us too.  =0). 

Megan and I have committed to 4 hours/week focused on scouting.  Our prayer is that this will give a good sense of the next plant in Mid-MO.  Won't you join us? 

Have an excellent day! 


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