Tuesday, September 25, 2012

None Live For Themselves...

Hello, friends! 

This post will be my last post as a single man... Let's think about that for a second...




Ok, back to it.

The next time you will be reading this blog, I will be a married man.  Imma have me a wife!  =0). 

I've been told that the married life is great.  It's not always easy but it is great.  There are a ton of reasons to be looking forward to marriage. 

- How awesome is it going to be to spend the rest of my life w' my best friend?  Seriously, Meg and I have grown together so much over the past few years that we've known each other.  She's made me a more emotionally mature person and I thank God for every second that I get to spend with her, even when we're having disagreements. 

- I'm looking forward to (hopefully) modeling a healthy Christian relationship for our students.  There is so much brokenness on the college campuses, especially when it comes to relationships.  Folk don't know where to look and they don't know what is healthy and right in the eyes of God.  My hope is that Meg and I will be able to show our students how to love one another in a way that gives glory to God and advances the kindgom. 

- Something that I've been thinking about for a while has been how to really not live for myself.  The idea of marriage is exactly that.  I am no longer just Adam Leong.  I am not Megan and Adam Leong.  My job is not to live for my own desires and what I want.  It is to love and serve Meg, even if it means sacrificing my own preferences and desires.  For some reason, I am looking forward to giving that a shot.  That is exactly how Christ lived and how I want to live.  I am glad that I get to begin that journey with Meg.

There are tons of other reasons why I am looking forward to getting married.  Right now, my favorite though is that I will get first hand experience at not living for myself. 

With that in mind, when I return, there may be some changes to the blog.  You'll still hear plenty from me about the things that are going on at Mizzou, Maryville, Columbia College, Florissant Valley, and whatever else is going on in my life but you may also see the occassional post about some of the great stuff that Meg is doing at UMSL.  Y'all, she's doing some pretty amazing stuff. 

So, sit back, relax, take a few weeks off, and get ready for US (not just me) to come back better than ever! 

Have an excellent day! 


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