Friday, October 30, 2015


Hello, friends!

Guess what 2015 is! It's an URBANA YEAR!!! =0). Allow me to explain:

Urbana is InterVarsity USA's tri-annual global missions conference for college students. Every 3 years, college aged students from all over the world descend on St. Louis, MO for 5 days of multi-ethnic worship, incredible speakers, mind-blowing seminars, life changing Bible studies, and pretty much the best week of their college careers. (Can you tell I'm a fan?)

When I talk to people about Urbana, I give them this rundown of a "typical" Urbana day:
- Wake up and do an inductive Bible study with 300 of your closest friends led by some really bright folk
- Then attend the morning session where you Patrick Fung, president of OMF international will exposit the word for us
- Students can then spend the afternoon attending various seminars as well as visiting the expo center, where over 250 different seminaries and missions organizations will be offering information on their different groups
- The evening is spend participating in multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-dimensional worship, engaging in the arts, the globe, and hearing from speakers like David Platt and Francis Chan
- Sleep hard, because it all starts up again tomorrow!

This will be Urbana #4 for me, 1 as a student and my 3rd as a staff. I have seen lives changed at Urbana. I have seen people be set free at Urbana. I have had significant movements in my own life happen at Urbana. Urbana... changes... lives...

Friends, here is where I need your help. We have a group of 8 students from Mizzou as well as another few potentially from Lincoln who are geared up and ready to go. The only thing that is stopping them from going is money. 5 days of awesomeness isn't cheap and when you include housing costs, it doesn't get any cheaper.

Here's where you can help. My goal is to raise $5000 so that students can attend Urbana at a reduced cost and cover their housing. Praise Jesus, we have already made a lot of progress towards that goal but there is still much work to be done. If you're interested, you can click here and give towards our scholarship goal. Even if it's just $5, every little bit help.

Even better, if you have friends, family, coworkers, church folk, etc., who may be interested in helping get students to Urbana, send this blog on to them!

One last thing. Would you pray for us? Pray for God's provision. Pray for more students to sign up. Pray that the students attend will receive from the LORD. Pray for us staff as we lead the students. Please, pray.

Have an excellent day!


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