Friday, October 2, 2015

FC15 Hooray!!!

Hello, friends!

As I'm writing this, we are preparing for our Fall Conference 2015 (FC15), Reconciling All Things. In just a few hours, over 120 college students from all over Missouri will be gathering together to worship, fellowship, and learn about how our God wants to reconcile us to himself and to each other.

I'm directing this conference and have been humbled by God's goodness in a number of ways. He has continued to show me that He is the one who is in charge and that He will take care of the conference and the students.

Will you take a few moments RIGHT NOW and pray for FC15? Here are a few specific ways that you can pray:
- Journey's Mercies. Our site is about a 2-3 hour drive from either St. Louis or Columbia. Pray that students arrive safely and prepared to receive what God has for them.

- Logistical Peace. The only thing you can guarantee at a conference like this is that something will go wrong. As director, I'm feeling the pressure to make sure that we have all our bases covered. Please pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding.

- Soft Hearts. Our topic is a heavy one and we will be having a number of different groups joining us. There will be Black, White, Asian, and International students from a number of different countries all joining us. We also have at least 8 non-Christians. Please pray that God will soften their hearts to receive what He has for them.

- Ezra's First Conference. We're not sure how he'll do. Pray that he'll eat well in a new place, sleep well in a new place, and generally continue to be the happy wonderful baby he has been so far.

Have an excellent weekend!


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