Thursday, October 22, 2015

Boston on My Mind...

Hello, friends!

I wrote last week about how I would be going to Boston to do a little staff training. I've recovered from the travel and such so I figure now is as good a time as any to update y'all on the trip! Here are a few high (and low) lights:

- Boston roads are the worst. Boston is an old city and like most old cities, it was built without city-wide infrastructure in mind. For some, this gives Boston a certain amount of charm. For those of us who suffer from motion sickness, this gives Boston a certain amount of disdain. We were moving between the Harvard and Boston University areas so there was much car driving. I was not a fan.

- I love working with Asian American students. The purpose of my trip was to coach a staff as she worked with Asian American students to reach other Asian American students via the secular Asian American student orgs. Needless to say, I spent a LOT of time around Asian American students and I really loved it. I love the work that I'm doing now at Lincoln and with nurses but there's something nice about being back with the students who started it all.

- I'm not as smart as I think I am. For one of our team building events, we went to an escape room in Boston. If you've never been to an Escape Room, allow me to explain. You're locked in a room. You have one hour to figure out how to get out of the room. There are puzzles to solve that will lead to clues that will lead to the key to get you out of the room. We did not get out of the room on time... =0).

- I have been burned into Ezra's long term memory. This really has nothing to do with the trip but when I picked Ezra and Megan up from the airport, Ezra's eyes totally lit up and he smiled when he saw me. We spent 3.5 days away from each other and it was a grind. Thankfully, I was pretty busy the entire time so I didn't have a lot of time to dwell on the fact that I wasn't with my family. Still, it was different not putting the little guy to sleep.

Have an excellent day!


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