Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fighting Well...

Hello, friends!

My mother, my wife, and more than one ex-girlfriend will tell you that I am always up for a good fight. I don't know if it's because I'm highly competitive, if my personality lends itself to being combative, or I just don't have enough sense to walk away but if there's a fight to be had, I'm usually game to go a few rounds.

Back in the day, my fights (or debates, discussions, conversations, etc.) were pretty much academic in the sense that I would pick fights for the fun of it. My position didn't matter as much as the fact that it was the opposite of yours. I could pass as a liberal, a conservative, a libertarian, a hippie, an evangelical, or even an agnostic if the mood suited me. For me, the fight was less about learning and more about the thrill of the chase.

The problem with my love of the fight was that my style of engagement left a lot of carnage in my wake. It didn't really matter much to me if I hurt someone, flustered someone, or generally made myself look like a jerk. I was having fun and that is what mattered.

When I made the decision to follow Jesus with my everything in college, a number of things changed for me. One of those things was God changing my heart towards how I fought. The thrill of the chase was still present but there were new rules in place. Let them know when you're just screwing around. Always argue with a smile. Care about your audience. Let it go unless it's actually a big deal. Above all, when you're in a real fight, always speak with an attempt at love, compassion, understanding, and empathy.

Over the course of the past year or so, ever since Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, I've found myself engaged in a lot more fights than before. Questions of white privilege, equal rights, the significance of #blacklivesmatter, Asian American rights, immigration, and a whole slew of other things have led to discussions, conversations, debates, and ultimately, fights. Some discussions have been productive. Most, not so much. Through them all, I've done my best to follow my own rules but I'm sure that I've made mistakes.

Here's the thing though. I can't stop fighting. There is real injustice that needs to be addressed. There are things that cannot "just be let go." There are things to be said and perspectives to be shared. It would not be right for me to avoid these conversations because they may lead to discomfort. I'm pursuing fewer fights than before but I believe these are the "right" fights.

So, friends, if you see me going after one cause or another, especially via Facebook, know that I believe passionately in the cause, trust that I am seeing after Jesus, forgive me if I speak harshly, and be prepared to see me go hard. You can pray for my words and pray that my heart will be known by all and in line with God's.

Have an excellent day!


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