Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello, friends! 

First off, apologies for no posts in the past 3 weeks.  Between time with family, Urbana, and a little vacation time with the wife, I really didn't get a chance to post anything.  But, fear not, in the next few days/weeks, expect posts about Urbana, the semester ahead, and maybe even a few other thoughts on a few other things. 

Second, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  May 2013 kick 2012's butt in every possible way. 

Every year, I say the same thing.  I say, "May 20xx kick 20xx-1's butt in every possible way with hopes that the new year will be even more spectacular than the previous year.  In 2008, this was an easy statement to make, seeing how 2007 saw me staying an extra semester in college, dealing with some hardcore emotional issues, coping with a death in the family, and dealing with the transition of moving to a new place.  However, 2013 is going to have to do a LOT of work if it's going to top 2012. 

2012 was a pretty spectacular year by most every metric imaginable.  In ACF, we saw our leaders grow in depth as well as breadth.  We started the year with 5 leaders and are entering 2013 with 12 devoted ACF leaders and a few apprentices waiting in the wings.  We also saw 6 students give their lives to Jesus!  2012 saw the Mizzou BCM go on hiatus but it also saw the birth of plants at Columbia College, Maryville University, and Florissant Valley Community College.  It also saw the emergence of Charis, Robert, and Wesley as staff I trained in planting.  Regionally, the Central Region (Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri) saw continued growth.  Our Area Team (just Missouri) lost a great staff and one of my best friends in Miss Ashley Smith but we also grew closer as a team and I learned how to work better together and care for the area as a whole. 

There were also the personal accomplishments that came from 2012.  This past year really felt like a year of growth for me.  Looking back, I think I grew as a man as well as a follower of Jesus.  I also managed to get myself engaged AND married to the best gal in the whole wide world during 2012.  Not too shabby, eh? 

So, how can 2013 top this?  Well, that's the fun of the new year.  I honestly have no idea what God has in store for 2013.  This could be the year that ACF crosses the 40 (or 50, or 60) person plateau.  This could be the year that dozens of students come to know Jesus.  This could be the year that our plants at Columbia College, Maryville, and FloValley take off, impacting those campuses in amazing ways.  It could be the year that God does some more amazing work in me and delivers a few surprises Meg and my way.  Who knows! 

Here is the one thing that I do know.  I do know that this is going to be a year where I am going to need Jesus even more than before.  Every year, I set some new year's resolutions.  There are usually some fun ones (learning to write and use chopsticks left-handed), some personal ones (for my eyes only), and at least one character one.  This year, my character new year's resolution is to be more DEPENDENT on Jesus.  I want to continue rely on Jesus more and more, not just when I think I need help (which isn't often) but in every part of my day.  I need to depend on Jesus to make me a better staff, a better husband, and a better man.  Doing it on my own isn't going to cut it. 

Where does it all start?  With prayer, of course.  Won't you please join me in praying, especially in these ways? 
- Winter Momentum.  Winter Break is a time when many students go home and lose much of what they learned during the semester.  Please pray that those who made significant decisions to follow Jesus will continue to follow Him these next few weeks.
- Re:Center.  This year we are trying something different and opening up our Pre-Semester retreat to any and all comers.  Praise Jesus, we already have over 25 students joining us!  Please pray for me as I prepare this retreat, that it will be a life giving time to the students. 

Have an excellent day! 


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