Saturday, January 19, 2013


Hello, friends! 

Happy Saturday to you!  I don't normally post on Saturdays but tomorrow is a very special day and I definitely covet your prayers. 

At the beginning of every semester, I get together with the Mizzou students to prepare ourselves for the semester ahead.  It is usually about 10 or so student leaders and I hanging out, doing a little planning, and eating some good food.  The past few semesters we have made it an overnight thing but the structure has pretty much stayed the same. 

This semester, I felt like God was calling me to change things up a little bit.  I was really convicted that what students needed wasn't more stuff thrown at them.  What they needed was to recalibrate how they look at the semester as a whole. 

Every semester, students make the same resolutions.  They say, "this semester is going to be different."  They make plans of how they are going to study harder, work out more, spend their time wisely, earn more money, spend more time with friends, and generally get their lives in order.  Ususally, by the time mid-terms come around, everything is back to the way things were before.  By the end, students are stressed, filled with dread, and hoping that "next semester will be different." 

Why does this happen?  I actually think the answer is really simple.  It's because students are focusing on the temporary instead of the eternal.  They are thinking semester to semester, month to month, week to week, or even day to day.  Whatever fits their fancy for the moment is where they spend their time, and that includes their academic lives. 

So, we decided to ditch the old model of a "Leaders Retreat" and switch to Re:Center.  Re:Center is an attempt to get students started on the right foot by centering on Jesus instead of the tasks ahead.  I truly believe that if students (or all of us, for that matter) focus on the Cross first and the things of the world second, we will see a dramatic change in our lives.  It may not necessarily make things easier but I think it will lead to a life of more peace, and ultimately, more impact. 

Brothers and sisters, thus far the students have responded.  I was hoping that we could get 20 or so students in attendance.  As of today, we have nearly 35 students, including many non-Christians, who will be attending Re:Center!  Praise Jesus for this great opportunity.  We even have some students from Columbia College who will be joining us! 

Here are a few ways you can be praying for us:
- Please pray for us staff as we prepare for Re:Center.  I have enlisted the help of a few ACF alumni to help Charis and me as we put on this retreat.  Please pray that God will lead us in leading students well. 
- Please pray for the students who are in attendance.  Classes will be starting on Tuesday so this is a big deal.  Pray that God will be softening their hearts now to receive what He has for them. 
- On a personal note, please pray for Meg and me.  I will be gone from Sunday-Wednesday and this will be the first time in about 6 weeks that we will be apart and neither of us is looking forward to it.  Please pray that God will continue to bless our marriage. 

Re:Center officially runs from 6pm Sunday to 6pm Monday.  If you remember, please pray for us during those times.  =0). 

Have an excellent day! 


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