Friday, September 6, 2024

Bellevue Kickoff!!!

Hello, friends!

Last night Bellevue had its kickoff event. We decided to go with the classics: Chick-Fil-A nuggets and Uno. =0). 

Our start was a little bit hectic. I picked up the food at 5, thinking we were starting at 5:30. Our student intern Jill called me at 5:05, asking where I was. It was then that I realized that we'd changed the time to 5 last week. When I got to Bellevue and started setting up, I was worried because no one was there. It turns out that Jill had changed the time back to 5:30 and hadn't told me. Whoops! 

When 5:30 rolled around we had a few students show up. Jill was excited because none of them were athletes. Increasing non-athlete participation was a goal of hers for this year, so this felt like a win. We'd ordered for 25 and only had about half a dozen there, so we opted for a divide and conquer. Jill stayed with the students who showed up and learned more about them, connecting and such. Kaylee, one of Jill's teammates, and I took the big dish of Chick-Fil-A cookies and some InterVarsity flyers around the student center, offering cookies to folk eating dinner and inviting them to next week's Bible Study. Most of the people just took a cookie, thanked us, and went back to their conversation. However, we did me Princess and Kimberly, two students from the DRC and Kenya. They were looking for community on campus and came by later to hang out with us for a bit. 

All in all, it was a great event. Jill was encouraged, Kaylee was a huge help, and we got to meet some new students. Woot! 

These NSO events are a good reminder for me that we all have different expectations and that ultimately, God is the one with the plan. My biggest fear for these events is that no one will show up and the student leaders will be disappointed. Attendance was considerably lower than what we were hoping for but it ended up working out for the best. Because there were fewer students, Jill was able to connect more with them on an individual level. Because there were leftover cookies, we were able to go into the caf and meet Princess and Kimberly. Because the volleyball team had a match (they won, btw), Kaylee had space to step up. God does his thing, and that's OK.

Have an excellent day! 


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