Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Soccer Season!

Hello, friends! 

It's about 100 degrees here in Omaha this week, which means it's the perfect time for soccer season to start! This year, both Jonah and Ezra are playing soccer. We had our first games of the season last weekend. 

Last year, we tried having Jonah play soccer but he really wasn't ready for it. He loved the practice time before the game but as soon as the game started, he didn't want to go in any more. It was a pretty frustrating experience so we held him out of Spring Soccer. This year though, he was really all about getting in there. He scored a few goals, had a big smile on his face, and overall, had a great time. It probably helped that one of his buddies is on the team with him. Except for the times when they stole the ball from each other, as 4 year olds are prone to do, they had a great time playing together. 

Ezra has been playing with the same group of kids for the past few years now, with me as their coach along with a friend of mine. The team we were playing was playing the second leg of a double header so they were gassed and we won handily. However, what was even more fun that seeing Ezra score 2 goals and the team cruise to victory, was seeing the growth from last season. Every season, we try to introduce new concepts to the team. This year, it was staying onsides. It took some getting used to but everyone did a great job of adjusting. The team continues to grow and get better, which is fun to see. 

Oh, and we got sick new jerseys... =0). 

We'll see how the season shakes out. The goal for Jonah is for him to participate every week. Ezra's goal is an undefeated season. I think both are possible. There are a few times when the games overlap so I'll be able to see most but not all of Jonah's games. Still, I'm looking forward to another great season of soccer. 


Have an excellent day!


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