Friday, August 2, 2024

The Big Dig!

Hello, friends! 

As you're reading this, we're on our way to Kansas City for the Big Dig, our start of the year student conference. We'll have around 60 or so students, volunteers, and staff gathering to dig deep into John 15, learning what it means to abide in Jesus. 

There are a lot of things to be excited about for the Big Dig. The kids are really excited to run around camp (this will be at the same place as International Getaway) and our speaker, Bette Dickenson is going to be amazing. To experience John 15, we're going to visit a vineyard. We even have a worship team from South America leading us this weekend. 

But, there are also some challenges. There was a huge storm that came through Omaha on Wednesday and we were without power for about a day, which put us behind on prep. It's supposed to be really hot in Kansas City, which is always carries it's own risks. We also had two students from Nebraska drop out at the last minute, which is always frustrating. 

Still, we are hopeful that God will show up on a really powerful way. Please pray for journeys mercies as we travel, for good participation from the students, and that the Holy Spirit will move in Kansas City. 

Have an excellent day! 

Last Year's big dig ice cream trip! =0).

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