Thursday, August 8, 2024

Welcome, Phoebe!!!

Hello, friends! 

Thanks to everyone who was praying for the Big Dig. It was a really great time and Jesus was definitely present.

We left for the Big Dig on Friday and came back on Monday. We had to make sure that we got plenty of good sleep on Monday night because Tuesday was going to be a big day for us. After spending 3 hours in the car coming back from Kansas City, we decided to add another 4.5 hours in the car on Tuesday to go to and from Beresford, South Dakota. What was in Beresford? The newest member of our family, Phoebe Ensley Leong! 

It's only been a few days with Phoebe but so far it's been great. She seems to already be potty trained and seems to be picking up a few commands like "Come" and "Sit" already. Is it possible that we have the smartest dog in all the world? We just might! =0). 

So far the kids have been great with Phoebe and she's been great with them. Ezra has definitely been the most helpful, although, sometimes he can be a little too helpful. You know that old saying, "let sleeping dogs lie"? I don't think Ezra has heard that one yet. 

Of course, Phoebe is still a puppy so we're working on some things. She really likes chewing on the rug in our living room (well, she likes chewing on everything) and she's still getting used to our sleeping arrangements as evidenced by the crying she does at night. Still, overall, she's been a pretty chill dog and we're really happy to have her. 

Life with a dog is definitely going to be different for us. Gus is a pretty chill pet so to add a much more "high maintenance" animal into the mix will take some adjusting. She's definitely worth it though. 

Please be praying for us as we make these adjustments. The biggest prayer requests is that we need her to start sleeping through the night. Getting up at 1am to let her out so she can go the bathroom doesn't lend itself to a great night's sleep and the whining after she gets back into her cage doesn't help either. 

Have an excellent day! 


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