Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Power of Prayer...

Hello, friends! 

Last week, I wrote about processing loss and how Jonah was doing with the loss of his friend. It was such a blessing to see the outpouring of love and support from everyone. Since I started blogging in 2011, last week's post was the most viewed post ever. Apparently, something about processing lost resonated with people. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. 

If the past few days have shown me anything, it's that there is power in prayer. I'm not sure that I could have said that with all integrity a week and a half ago but I have more evidence of it now. 

One of the things that I didn't mention when I first told the story was the prayer part. After Jonah's friend drowned, he was on life support, functionally brain dead but being kept alive so that organ recipients could be found. While we were on the way home from daycare, Jonah and I prayed that his friend would miraculously be healed. It was a short prayer but it brought up a lot in me. 

Jesus said that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can tell a mountain to be thrown into the sea and it will be done. I've read all the Bible stories about people being brought back from the dead. In that moment of praying with Jonah for his friend, I wanted to have the faith of a mustard seed; I knew that I didn't. It wasn't quite a crisis of faith but it was a humbling experience for sure. 

Fast forward to last Wednesday. I posted about Jonah and was immediately flooded with comments and messages from people offering their condolences and saying that they were praying for our family and for Jonah. It was comforting and heartwarming to say the least. 

The next day, Thursday morning, was another daycare day. After the rough Tuesday we had, I wasn't sure what to expect. Friends, I have no problem telling you that Thursday morning felt like a miracle. Jonah had no problem getting into the car and there was no crying on his way to daycare. When I walked him into daycare, in the lobby was a collage of photos of his friend. Jonah looked at the collage, found a few photos where he was in there too, smiled, and walked right into the cafeteria. I honestly felt like crying for the 3rd time in 2 weeks, except tears of joy (I didn't). 

At drop off today, Jonah had a bit of a rough time but it was better than last Tuesday. It's possible that last Thursday was a fluke and he was just excited about the donut that we got on our way to daycare. Still, I'm choosing to believe that he was helped by all the prayers of friends, family, and loved ones. 

What's wild is that I still need these reminders of the power of prayer. I've experienced the power of prayer in my own life in different ways. I've experienced physical healing, both on the giving and receiving end. I've seen demons cast out and words of prophecy given that were spot on and only could be from the LORD. I know that prayer works. I'm so glad that I get reminders like this every now and then. 

Have an excellent day! 


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