Thursday, September 29, 2022

Here's to 10 Years of Memories!

Hello, friends!

Today is Megan and my anniversary! 10 years ago today, we got married in St. Louis, and it's been a whirlwind of a ride since then. 

Since 10 is a nice, round number, I thought it'd be fun to highlight my top 10 moments from marriage, one from each year.

2012: Our wedding. We were engaged in April, so we had about 6 months to put everything together. I remember us painting tree branches we found in the park for centerpieces. I remember being so nervous because I was going to try to play my guitar at the beginning of the wedding. I remember Megan looking amazing walking down the aisle, thinking I might cry, but then getting overcome with excitement and thinking, "this is so cool!" I remember a multinational feast for our reception and a Kelly Clarkson flash mob. It was pretty great.

2013 - Branson. A few days after Urbana, we decided to take a vacation to Branson, MO. I remember us getting tricked into listening to a timeshare presentation because we stopped at a place that said, "Free Popcorn." I remember Megan being so mad when the presenter insinuated that we "sell" Jesus and the look of dread on the presenter's face when she realized that she'd blown it. I remember watching Chinese acrobats in a half full theater. It was pretty great.

(Note: This second photo is from our trip to Memphis that was way better but also didn't include the timeshare story I really wanted to share.) =0). 

2014 - Cambodia. We led a group of students on a global project to Cambodia that summer. I remember lok lak and steamed buns. I remember tuk tuks and treating traffic like a river. I remember leading together and trying to manage everything, feeling overwhelmed but also thankful for the breakthroughs. I remember the fun and the drama we had as a team. 

2015 - Ezra. I remember you telling me to go back to sleep because this was going to take a while. I remember walking with one foot on the curb and one foot on the street because we thought it would bring Ezra along faster. I remember how my number one job was to make sure we stuck to the birth plan. I remember our nurse who stuck with us, even after her shift was over. I remember the US beating Japans 5-1 in the Women's World Cup Final. I remember all the nurses coming to visit because they didn't see too many natural births and thought Megan was an all-star. I remember seeing Ezra's hemangioma and mentally preparing a game plan for how to get him the Paralympics in case his leg needed to be cut off. That was a pretty good day. 

2016 - Vegas for Thanksgiving. I remember the cousins having matching pajamas. I remember going to a Celine Dion concert. I don't remember how much money I won or lost playing Blackjack...

2017 - Thaliea. I remember how quick this labor felt compared to Ezra. I remember trying to get you into the tub at the birthing center before it was too late. I remember wondering why this one time was so much quicker. I remember being smitten with both mother and daughter. 

2018 - Moving. I remember how we couldn't quite fit everything into the truck, so we had to leave some stuff for Danny. I remember all the friends and family who came to help us pack up and leave. I remember having friends in Omaha ready to greet us when we arrived. I remember eating really good Burmese food from a church fundraiser. I remember getting to our house with the moving truck before Megan and Aunt Judi came with the van, and the house keys, so I had to introduce myself to our neighbors by asking if I could use their bathroom. 

2019 - Jonah. I remember getting my mind prepared for switching from "man to man" to "zone defense." I remember the sense of peace around our biological family being complete. I remember cooking a turkey for Thanksgiving and totally messing up the rolls because yeast and I don't get along. I remember being really tired that week. 

2020 - Pandemic. I remember wiping down our groceries when they arrived via InstaCart. I remember trying to navigate work schedules with childcare schedules. I remember feeling like we turned a corner after the initial stress and how Megan and I communicated and partnered well.

2021 - Elders. I remember late nights working with other church folk to get a policy in place. I remember the pride I felt when our pastor asked Megan to be an Elder. I remember feeling like there was a shift in our family as we grew in our ownership of our church. 

(Note: this photo isn't of an Elders meeting but our pastor did give us a gift certificate, which we are using on this date, so it kind of counts...) =0). 

2022 - Orlando. I remember the matching shirts. I remember how much I hate roller coasters but how much Megan loves them. I remember getting to watch some really great shows while Megan rode on roller coasters. I remember running but not running through the park on our way to Harry Potter World as soon as it opened. I remember good Jamaican food, good Indian food, and even better company. 

So, here's to (at least) 10 more years of marriage! Every time I preach, I show a phot of our family and say that Megan makes me want to be a better person every day. No truer words have ever been spoken or ever will. 

Have an excellent day! 


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