Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Older, wiser, and a little more tired...

Hello, friends!

Being on the other side of 30 does stuff to you... it makes you feel old. =0). I'm not sure if it's just the age catching up to me, the rigors of work, life beyond campus ministry, or a combination of all of them, but I have been finding myself way more stretched and exhausted this semester than any semester that I can remember. Let me give you an example.

Yesterday we had a staff meeting in St. Louis, meaning Megan and I had to leave CoMO by 7:30 so we could make it in time to help set up the day (my aunt was hosting). Well, Tuesday is also the day my theology small group meets at 6:15am. Add that to my desire to exercise (30 hasn't been good to my metabolism), a need to hang out with Jesus (always good), and put gas in the car (it's hard to go places without gas in the tank) and that meant I was up by 4:45am.

Fast forward through the time with Jesus, the workout, the small group, the travel, the meeting, dinner with the team, and the drive back, and I saw myself home by 9pm with a solid 15 hours of work under my belt. The plan was to then go straight to bed before getting up @ 6am so I could carpool with my friend down to Jefferson City and spend the day scouting at Lincoln University. Double 15's were staring me right in the face.

Whether you call it the Spirit being willing but the flesh being weak or me being older and wiser, I called off the carpool and instead drove myself after waking up at a much more reasonable hour.

Understand how big of a deal this is. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love efficiency. I fell in love with biking in the 8th grade (I even have a blog about it) because I saw in a science book that the bike was the most efficient form of transportation known to man. One of my favorite cities is New York City not because of the culture or people but because of the public transportation system. Carpooling is probably one of my favorite things to do in the world. The younger, more energetic, and possibly more insane Adam would have said, "shoot, forget fatigue! I need to carpool!" The older, more aware of his limits, though possibly still insane Adam asked his wife to move around her schedule so he could use the car for a few hours and NOT carpool.

What does this mean for me? Honestly, I have no idea. I know that I love the work that I do. I know that the work I do has impact and is worthwhile. I also know that life is more than work and with a baby on the way, my time (and energy) is going to be even more stretched. I guess, more than anything, it means that I am going to need Jesus more than ever. That's not a bad thing to be learning yourself when you're trying to teach students the same.

Have an excellent day!


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