Friday, February 6, 2015

A Full Day at Lincoln

Hello, friends!

Yesterday was my first full day at Lincoln. I've been there a few days earlier this semester for a few hours at a time but yesterday was a solid 8 hours on campus in Jefferson City. I have a friend who works in Jefferson City so the plan is to carpool together @ 7 and then leave Jeff City around 4pm each Thursday. Besides the fact that it was only 7 degrees outside when we left Columbia and we happen to drive directly into the sun in both directions, it was a really great day. Here are a few of the highlights.

- I've been building relationship with a local pastor who also works in the bookstore. I got to campus before any students were up and going to class so I hung around and helped him stock the cooler at the bookstore. At the end of my time there, a member of his congregation came in to talk to him and he introduced me as "Pastor Adam."

- Yesterday was Founders Day, where the university remembers the founders of the university as well as prominent alumni. It was really interesting to see how blatant the Gospel was during the program. The main speaker was a pastor from Atlanta (and Lincoln alumna). The name of Jesus was used a bunch, including in the keynote address, which was basically a sermon. There were hymns sung too. It was pretty much church with awards given away. =0).

- I had lunch with a woman who has lived in Jefferson City for over 30 years and used to work for another campus ministry. It was so great to connect with her and learn more about the community and the university. She even put me in contact with other folk in the community who love Lincoln.

- I met Miss Lincoln University! The circumstances were a bit odd (I was walking in the student center and she yelled "Ni Hao!" Which is a Chinese greeting) but still, we had a great conversation about the campus and what she feels like it lacks.

- I heard about a lot of other small groups and people who are working at Lincoln to bring the Gospel. It warmed my heart to hear that there are so many other workers for the harvest.

Friends, every time I head back to Lincoln, I fall more and more in love with the campus. Would you please join me in praying for the university? Pray that God will continue to move and that he will bring revival to the campus, whether it happens through InterVaristy or not.

Have an excellent day!

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