Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Quo Vadimus...

Hello, friends! 

One show that I enjoyed very much that I thought was cancelled much too soon was the show "Sports Night" from back in the day.  It was a "dramedy" type show that followed the behind the scenes work of a SportsCenter type show in New York.  As with all Aaron Sorkin material, it was fast paced, witty, and a little bit snarky, which I loved.  Critics loved it but apparently viewers were less than thrilled and it only lasted 2 seasons. 

My love for Sports Night, thankfully on Netflix, really doesn't have much to do with this post, except that the show taught me the latin phrase "Quo Vadimus," which apparently means, "where are we going?" 

Today is the first Large Group for ACF of the year.  The question, "Quo vadimus" is what is on my mind as we prepare for the new year. 

Where are we going?  Where have we been?  How does where we've been reflect how where we're going?  The truth is that in my 6 years here, many things have changed but many things have also stayed the same.  We used to meet in a student's apartment; now we meet in a church just off campus.  We started with 5 students and now we have close to 40.  All of our "original" ACFers have now graduated.  We now have a new crop of students. 

But, things have also stayed the same.  We are still about outreach through community.  We are still about reaching the Asians and Asian Americans on campus with the Gospel.  We are still about eating delicious food and having fun with each other.  We still are way outnumbered gals to guys.  =0). 

Here's the thing.  Where are we going?  The truth is that we're going the same place we've always been going.  We are following Jesus to reach out to Mizzou's campus.  That is what we've always done and what we will continue to do.  There is certain comfort in knowing that some things haven't changed and that the more they change, the more they stay the same. 

Prayer Points:
- Today is Large Group number 1!  Please pray that the Spirit will move through me as I speak to our group and get us ready for the new semester. 
- Things are really starting to get moving at Columbia College.  Please pray for Charis as she continues to do the on the ground work there and that we will have good vision moving forward.

Have an excellent day! 


Friday, January 25, 2013

Maryville Madness!

Hello, friends! 

I have a fun story to tell you about Maryville University, one of the campuses where I am working with Wesley, one of our volunteer staff. 

At the beginning of the year, the plan was that Wesley, Robert, and I would all do some work at FloValley, scouting and potentially planting a ministry there.  What we quickly learned was that given Wesley's work schedule (your typical 9-5) coupled with FloValley's student traffic schedule (everything happening between 11-2), it didn't make much sense for him to be there.  The question was, where would he go?  Well, it worked out very well that he lives very close to Maryville University, so we decided to try and scout things a little there. 

Honestly, it was a really slow and discouraging semester at Maryville for Wesley and for me as his trainer.  It seemed like nothing we tried worked and gaining momentum was like pulling teeth.  We ended the semester with 1 potentially core student and lots of dead ends. 

Then, Urbana happened.  I told you about how I had plenty to do at Urbana and how one of my jobs was working the bookstore as a bagger.  The Urbana bookstore needed phone numbers to accompany all credit card purchases, so I made it a point to ask folk where they lived if I saw an area code that I recognized.  I met one gal who lived about a block from my parents place, which was pretty cool, but the best happened when I saw a 636 number and let the man know that I was staff in Saint Louis, including staff at Maryville. 

Well, friends, it just so happens that this man's daughter is a Freshman at Maryville!  Even better, she is totally a missional Christian and her parents are InterVarsity alumni!  She's been a part of another Christian orginazation while at Maryville but only because there wasn't an InterVarsity group. 

I got the gal's contact information and sent it along to Wesley.  It turns out that he had already tried to contact her but hadn't gotten a response because the phone number he had was off by one digit and he texted her MOM instead of her.  =0). 

Anyway, Wes and the gal met earlier this week and are going to be trying to start a bible study on her dorm floor starting next Monday.  Here's hoping that this is the beginning of something beautiful! 

Prayer Points:
- Please, please, PLEASE be praying for Wesley's bible study on Monday.  Pray that this will be beginning of something great on that campus. 
- The Missouri Area will be having an area-wide evangelism training at Mizzou on Sunday (more on that later).  Please pray that God will move in the students and on the campus.

Have an excellent day! 


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Re: Re:Center

Hello, friends! 

Happy Tuesday to you all.  I hope you are enjoying the weather wherever you are.  It is all kinds of cold here in the great state of Missouri but that doesn't stop us from having a great time! 

Thank you all so much for your prayers for Re:Center.  It was an absolutely fabulous time and the Spirit definitely moved.  Here are a few stats:

- 30 students in attendance (21 gals, 9 guys)
- 12 international students
- 5 student leaders who led family group leaders for the first time
- 2 students who decided to give their lives to Jesus for the first time!

That doesn't even put a handle on all the great conversations, the fun, the music played, and the ways that the Spirit moved.  I am so thankful for a number of Re:Center things, including:

- Not having to do so much!  =0).  Putting on a retreat is a lot of work!  There is worship, teaching, food, rec, and a whole host of details that can get lost in the shuffle.  Thankfully, I had a great team of volunteers who were instrumental in putting on Re:Center.  Andrew led worship, Charis took care of the morning reflection and family group guides, and Barbara led our bible study.  I was the MC and took care of food. 

- Seeing leaders grow!  I talked to a few of our veteran ACF leaders and they all said the same thing.  It was a little weird but ultimately very refreshing to not have to do anything for Re:Center.  The folk who led family groups this time were rookies but they did an excellent job and began stepping into their own in terms of leading.  It was so cool to see. 

Again, I can't thank you enough for all your prayers.  In case you want a few more reasons to pray, here they are! 

- Classes started yesterday for Mizzou and UMSL, meaning all 5 of the campuses where Meg and I work are now in school mode.  Please pray for students as they prepare to take on another semester. 
- With the beginning of the semester comes a new batch of New Student Outreach events, especially for UMSL.  Please pray for Meg and the UMSL students as they invite, gather, and build relationships with new students.  Also pray for new connections to our groups. 
- Also with the beginning of the semester comes me returning to traveling back and forth between Columbia and Saint Louis.  Please pray for journey's mercies as well as a continued strengthening of Meg and my marriage. 

Have an excellent day! 


Saturday, January 19, 2013


Hello, friends! 

Happy Saturday to you!  I don't normally post on Saturdays but tomorrow is a very special day and I definitely covet your prayers. 

At the beginning of every semester, I get together with the Mizzou students to prepare ourselves for the semester ahead.  It is usually about 10 or so student leaders and I hanging out, doing a little planning, and eating some good food.  The past few semesters we have made it an overnight thing but the structure has pretty much stayed the same. 

This semester, I felt like God was calling me to change things up a little bit.  I was really convicted that what students needed wasn't more stuff thrown at them.  What they needed was to recalibrate how they look at the semester as a whole. 

Every semester, students make the same resolutions.  They say, "this semester is going to be different."  They make plans of how they are going to study harder, work out more, spend their time wisely, earn more money, spend more time with friends, and generally get their lives in order.  Ususally, by the time mid-terms come around, everything is back to the way things were before.  By the end, students are stressed, filled with dread, and hoping that "next semester will be different." 

Why does this happen?  I actually think the answer is really simple.  It's because students are focusing on the temporary instead of the eternal.  They are thinking semester to semester, month to month, week to week, or even day to day.  Whatever fits their fancy for the moment is where they spend their time, and that includes their academic lives. 

So, we decided to ditch the old model of a "Leaders Retreat" and switch to Re:Center.  Re:Center is an attempt to get students started on the right foot by centering on Jesus instead of the tasks ahead.  I truly believe that if students (or all of us, for that matter) focus on the Cross first and the things of the world second, we will see a dramatic change in our lives.  It may not necessarily make things easier but I think it will lead to a life of more peace, and ultimately, more impact. 

Brothers and sisters, thus far the students have responded.  I was hoping that we could get 20 or so students in attendance.  As of today, we have nearly 35 students, including many non-Christians, who will be attending Re:Center!  Praise Jesus for this great opportunity.  We even have some students from Columbia College who will be joining us! 

Here are a few ways you can be praying for us:
- Please pray for us staff as we prepare for Re:Center.  I have enlisted the help of a few ACF alumni to help Charis and me as we put on this retreat.  Please pray that God will lead us in leading students well. 
- Please pray for the students who are in attendance.  Classes will be starting on Tuesday so this is a big deal.  Pray that God will be softening their hearts now to receive what He has for them. 
- On a personal note, please pray for Meg and me.  I will be gone from Sunday-Wednesday and this will be the first time in about 6 weeks that we will be apart and neither of us is looking forward to it.  Please pray that God will continue to bless our marriage. 

Re:Center officially runs from 6pm Sunday to 6pm Monday.  If you remember, please pray for us during those times.  =0). 

Have an excellent day! 


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Birthday Blog!!!

Hello, friends! 

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for all the texts, calls, and Facebook posts wishing me a happy birthday.  I am way blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who love me. 

Second, I need to give a very special shoutout to my lovely wife, Meg, who totally made my birthday.  She threw me an amazing surprise party and I totally didn't see it coming.  It had all my favorite food, many of my favorite people, and pretty much was the greatest thing ever.  I don't know if you know this or not but my wife is pretty awesome.  =0). 

You guys know that I am about efficiency.  I love looking at how to make things work better while expending less energy.  One of the ways where I have seen it manifest itself is through thinking about my birthday.  Follow me here.  My birthday is less than 2 weeks after the New Year, which is usually a great time for reflection, resolutions, and resetting.  What I've found myself doing is getting all my birthday reflecting done at the same time that I start thinking about the year to come.  It's a two-fer!  (And I sure do love a two-fer!). 

What does 28 hold for me?  Hopefully the same things that 2013 hold for me.  I want the year of 28 to be one marked by dependence on Jesus and going big.  Last night, Meg asked me what the highlights were from being 27.  She wouldn't let me say "getting engaged" or "getting married" counted (even though they were totally the highlights), so I had to think a little more.  I think that what I loved about 27 was that it felt like I came into my own a bit.  I really think that I improved as a staff worker, as a brother, as a son, as a friend, as a boyfriend/fiancee/husband, and as a follower of Jesus.  26(/2011) was a year where I felt like I was struggling to get by in many ways.  If felt like I was surviving but not thriving.  27(/2012) felt like I was starting to find a rhythm and getting more settled.  My hope is that 29(/2013) will be a year where that growth continues. 

One last thing.  This week students from Maryville and Florissant Valley started classes.  Next Monday, Columbia College, UMSL, and Mizzou get under way.  We have our pre-semester retreat coming up this weekend.  Meg has already begun tabling at UMSL.  "Next Semester" has officially become "THIS semester."  Please pray for both Meg and me as we begin this semester.  Pray that God will move powerfully in the lives of students and that He will continue to do a good work in us as He works through us. 

Have an excellent day! 


Monday, January 7, 2013


Hello, friends! 

Today, we have a very special guest blogger!  My, wonderful, amazing, wife Meg has been gracious enough to share her Urbana experience.  We hope you enjoy! 

From Meg:

Between December 27th and January 1st, around 16,000 college students flooded the streets of downtown St. Louis for InterVarsity’s missions conference, Urbana. Urbana happens every 3 years and each time we see thousands of students commit their lives to following Jesus into whatever and wherever He calls them. This year students received the “Great Invitation” as they studied the book of Luke and heard Jesus’ call to join him and welcome others into his banquet. Just 6 years ago I attended Urbana as a student.  I remember committing there to follow Jesus into a summer Urban Project that summer in St. Louis. I had no idea that saying yes then would lead to many yeses to follow. 

This Urbana I served as a Bible Study Assistant for bible study in the mornings and then had the honor of serving on the prayer team for the International Student’s Track in the afternoon. There we prayed with students as they received healing for pain from their past and sought God for his plan for their future. Little did I know just how much I still need Jesus to speak to me & heal me.

I love, love, LOVE hospitality and constantly find myself wanting to host and care for people. Yet, there are moments where I feel like if I put myself out there too much I will be taken advantage of.  Sure enough this came up at Urbana. I asked a friend to pray with me about it. God often speaks to me through images. This time as we prayed I had them image of me preparing madly for a banquet. Jesus then came up to me, took my hand and had me turn around to see all of the people at the banquet. They were smiling and enjoying it which made me happy yet I longed to join the banquet myself. I saw Jesus invite me over to the table to sit down with him at the banquet table. I felt joy and peace knowing that I too am invited to participate in the banquet of God. God is the one that has already prepared the best banquet – communion where we remember that he has done it all – offering his body broken for us and his blood, poured out in our place.

When I thought more about it, this image applies to all areas of life – as a wife, staff worker, friend, family member. I am not just invited to serve but I am also invited to join the feast. With this image in mind I believe God is freeing me up to more fully enjoy life with him and inviting others to join in his feast. I am excited to see how God uses this image to shape my life as a wife and as we do ministry together this semester.

Please Pray for:
-        - Adam and me to continually join the Lord at His banquet table as we seek to invite others to be a part of it.
-        -  For new Students arriving in the next few weeks. Please pray for God to connect us with new international students who are ready to join God’s mission on campus.
-        -  For Adam and me to grow in our love of the Lord and for one another as we grow more in our marriage.

Have an excellent day!  

~Adam (and Meg)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello, friends! 

First off, apologies for no posts in the past 3 weeks.  Between time with family, Urbana, and a little vacation time with the wife, I really didn't get a chance to post anything.  But, fear not, in the next few days/weeks, expect posts about Urbana, the semester ahead, and maybe even a few other thoughts on a few other things. 

Second, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  May 2013 kick 2012's butt in every possible way. 

Every year, I say the same thing.  I say, "May 20xx kick 20xx-1's butt in every possible way with hopes that the new year will be even more spectacular than the previous year.  In 2008, this was an easy statement to make, seeing how 2007 saw me staying an extra semester in college, dealing with some hardcore emotional issues, coping with a death in the family, and dealing with the transition of moving to a new place.  However, 2013 is going to have to do a LOT of work if it's going to top 2012. 

2012 was a pretty spectacular year by most every metric imaginable.  In ACF, we saw our leaders grow in depth as well as breadth.  We started the year with 5 leaders and are entering 2013 with 12 devoted ACF leaders and a few apprentices waiting in the wings.  We also saw 6 students give their lives to Jesus!  2012 saw the Mizzou BCM go on hiatus but it also saw the birth of plants at Columbia College, Maryville University, and Florissant Valley Community College.  It also saw the emergence of Charis, Robert, and Wesley as staff I trained in planting.  Regionally, the Central Region (Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri) saw continued growth.  Our Area Team (just Missouri) lost a great staff and one of my best friends in Miss Ashley Smith but we also grew closer as a team and I learned how to work better together and care for the area as a whole. 

There were also the personal accomplishments that came from 2012.  This past year really felt like a year of growth for me.  Looking back, I think I grew as a man as well as a follower of Jesus.  I also managed to get myself engaged AND married to the best gal in the whole wide world during 2012.  Not too shabby, eh? 

So, how can 2013 top this?  Well, that's the fun of the new year.  I honestly have no idea what God has in store for 2013.  This could be the year that ACF crosses the 40 (or 50, or 60) person plateau.  This could be the year that dozens of students come to know Jesus.  This could be the year that our plants at Columbia College, Maryville, and FloValley take off, impacting those campuses in amazing ways.  It could be the year that God does some more amazing work in me and delivers a few surprises Meg and my way.  Who knows! 

Here is the one thing that I do know.  I do know that this is going to be a year where I am going to need Jesus even more than before.  Every year, I set some new year's resolutions.  There are usually some fun ones (learning to write and use chopsticks left-handed), some personal ones (for my eyes only), and at least one character one.  This year, my character new year's resolution is to be more DEPENDENT on Jesus.  I want to continue rely on Jesus more and more, not just when I think I need help (which isn't often) but in every part of my day.  I need to depend on Jesus to make me a better staff, a better husband, and a better man.  Doing it on my own isn't going to cut it. 

Where does it all start?  With prayer, of course.  Won't you please join me in praying, especially in these ways? 
- Winter Momentum.  Winter Break is a time when many students go home and lose much of what they learned during the semester.  Please pray that those who made significant decisions to follow Jesus will continue to follow Him these next few weeks.
- Re:Center.  This year we are trying something different and opening up our Pre-Semester retreat to any and all comers.  Praise Jesus, we already have over 25 students joining us!  Please pray for me as I prepare this retreat, that it will be a life giving time to the students. 

Have an excellent day! 
