Sunday, January 29, 2012

And After the Show...

... is the after party! 

Hello, friends! 

What a sweet weekend we had in ACF.  Let me break it down for you. 

I've already told you about the great Large Group that we had on Wednesday.  There was one element of the night that I forgot.  Will and I had decided that it would be cool to have a "house party" on Friday as a way to get some extra fellowship going on.  We were thinking playing some games and eating some food. 

What we didn't anticipate is that AAA would be thinking the same thing.  Now, in college, there is a very simple rule about events.  If you put yours up on Facebook first, it's the original event.  Anyone else who puts up an event for the same day/time is a jerk.  Those are the rules.  Well, guess who put their event up on Facebook first?  (I'll give you a hint, it wasn't us...)

At that point, we had a decision to make.  What were we going to do?  Do we cancel?  Do we be jerks?  No and no.  We decide that we are going to go with an after party!  Go hang out with AAA for dinner and games, and when it's all said and done, come on over to the Man Cave (that's my house) for ice cream sundaes and more games!  The AAA party started at 7 so we put ours at 9. 

9 rolls around and we have maybe a dozen or so people there.  It was the group that didn't go to the AAA party, which was to be expected.  We started to play some games and eat some ice cream and everyone was having a good time.  I would say it was about 10pm when we heard a knock on the door and in rolls another dozen people or so.  I should have known that Danny would be with them.  =0).  This was the AAA After Party crew. 

The night was so much fun!  We used both floors of the Man Cave with games happening everywhere.  Some were playing Settlers, others were playing Cranium, some were playing Monopoly Deal, and another group was playing Korean games.  Joey put it best when he said, "I didn't even notice it was 12:30!"

There's probably a moral to this story that is deep and has something to do with strategies and student investment.  I'm going to say that it's simply more proof that Jesus is going to be doing some pretty sweet things in ACF this semester. 

A few point for prayer:
- I will be leading Large Group on Wednesday.  Please pray for my preparations. 
- Tomorrow is our first ACF Leaders Meeting.  Will will be leading that meeting so please pray for him.  Also, please pray that Jesus will show up. 
- And, since we know that Jesus can be in more than one place at once, also please pray for me because on the south side of town I will be leading our first BCM Monday night bible study ever!  Exciting, right?  I'll let y'all know how it goes, I promise.  =0). 

Have an excellent day! 


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