Friday, May 3, 2024


Hello, friends! 

"Looks like the storm will probably miss us..."

"Dome-aha strikes again!"

Those were the messages that Megan and I sent to each other around 2:45pm last Friday. Not too long after that, the tornado sirens went off and for the next few hours, we were glued to the weather coverage, watching, waiting, and praying. 

Ultimately, we were both right. Most of the tornados didn't hit Omaha proper and we specifically weren't in any real danger. However, that doesn't change the fact that the day was absolutely WILD and we're thankful for God's protection. 

In all, 23 tornadoes touched down in the metro area, which includes Omaha, the surrounding suburbs, and Western Iowa. The most damage was done to the cities of Elkhorn and Bennington. Miraculously, there was only one recorded death. Homes were destroyed and communities were devastated, but the limited loss of life is really something incredible. 

I was in Bellevue for lunch with some students in the early afternoon but decided to head home right after just in case the storms got bad. I'm glad that I did because I would not want to be stuck out on the road during the worst of it. Megan and Jonah were already home. 

Our most tense moments came between 3:30-4pm. It was right then that things started to get bad. We normally pick up the kids at 4, so there was a question as to whether the kids would be released from school or not. Megan left early to get to pickup so we could be first in line but it didn't matter. So long as there was a tornado warning, the kids weren't going anywhere. Some parents stayed at school to ride it out but Megan opted to come home. We finally were able to pick them up around 5:30. According to Megan, Thaliea was a hot mess at pickup and Ezra thought it was the best day ever... 

JoJo watch Tarzan 2 and was completely oblivious to all thing (as is often the case). 

Friends, please be praying for our neck of the woods, especially Elkhorn and Bennington as they rebuild. We're thankful that it wasn't worse but still aware there's plenty to do. 

Have an excellent day! 


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