Friday, May 10, 2024

Swim Lessons!!!

Hello, friends! 

One of the things that I like to say a lot in our house is that "we Leongs are not a sea-faring people." This mostly comes from the fact that there are lots of folk on my side of the family who have some pretty bad motion sickness (myself included). I remember one time we took a family trip to Catalina Island. It was just a short trip via boat but it was ROUGH and we had to take some time off the boat to gather ourselves before we could enjoy our vacation. 

Added to that is the fact that I am a terrible swimmer. When I do my triathlons, I always dread the swim section (which is first). I've gotten better as a swimmer but I still manage to get myself lost in the lake during races. It's kind of the worst... 

I only remember taking swim lessons once in my life. It's possible that I took it more than once but I only remember it one time. We didn't have a pool growing up and none of my friends did either. When we went to the health club where we had membership when I was a kid had a kiddie pool section where we could just play and not have to actually swim. When I went to the beach, we'd play in the ocean but it wasn't swimming. So, I'm not entirely sure that I actually had much experience swimming properly before I started doing triathlons. 

The kids are another story. We've been getting them involved in swim lessons for the past few years now. The YMCA has good swim lessons at a decent price and it feels like a good idea to give them a better swimming foundation than I got growing up. 

You can really tell a kid's personality by how they handle swim lessons. Ezra is hyper competitive. He's less interested in doing it right versus doing it faster than anyone else. Thaliea is much more cautious and wants to make sure that she's doing the right thing at the right time in the right way. She also has more swim anxiety, which is why I don't have a good photo of her in the pool... Jonah is just living his best life and is constantly smiling in the water, which sometimes means he chokes a little. All three improved this year, including Ezra being able to swim half the length of the pool by himself and tread water for a minute.

We're going to be visitingthe city pool quite a bit over the summer as well as at Scout Camp, so getting these lessons in now is a good setup for the next few months. The kids will all be able to swim faster than me at some point, it'll just be a matter of how soon. 

Have an excellent day! 


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