Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Prayers for Ezra!

Hello, friends!

After a few weeks of travel and family time, we're back in Omaha and back to "real life." Part of that reality is that our bodies are fragile and that parenting is hard.

A few months ago, Megan noticed a bump on Ezra's right temple. When she asked me about it, I'd assumed it was from when he'd jumped off the bed and hit his head the day before when we were playing (Ladies and gentlemen, your father of the year!). After another week or so, the bump was still there so we decided to have it checked out. The doctor diagnosed it as a sebaceous cyst and said that it would be good to have it removed. It's benign and doesn't cause him any physical pain or impediment, but there's always a chance that it could get infected, so it's better to have it removed sooner rather than later.

Ezra's surgery is scheduled for 11am Central tomorrow (Thursday). It's an outpatient procedure that should take about an hour but he'll still need to go under general anesthesia. We're confident that everything will go fine but with any surgery, there's always a risk.

Friends, would you mind praying with us a for us? Here are a few ways you can be praying:
- Pray for the surgery. Like I said, we're confident that everything will go well but a little extra prayer couldn't hurt.
- Pray for Ezra. We've told him what's happening but we're not sure how much he understands. He doesn't seem too scared but he isn't allowed to eat after midnight tonight so at the very least, he's going to be really hungry come surgery time.
- Pray for us. Whenever it comes to your children and their health, there's always a little bit of fear. Please pray that we'll have a peace that surpasses all understanding and that we'll be able to parent him (and Thaliea) well through this process.

Have an excellent day!


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