Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ezra Update!

Hello, friends!

First of all, thank you so much for your prayer and love. Ezra is doing great. Here he is right after surgery.

Having your son in surgery, even if it's a minor thing like what Ezra had, is a wild experience. Below, you'll find a blow by blow of how surgery day looked from my vantage point. 

6am - Get up like I normally do to hang out with Jesus and get ready for the day.
6:45am - Wake up Thaliea to take her to daycare. Normally, I'd wake up Ezra too but he wouldn't be going. Thaliea wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to Ezra, so we quietly opened his door and she got to say goodbye before getting in the car. 
7:45am - Drop Thaliea off at daycare. She was already in a sour mood because Ezra wasn't there. "Guh Guh (Mandarin for "older brother") not here..." She said that to the teacher a few times before I left. 
8:15am - Get gas at Costco. It was on the way to the hospital. =0). 
8:45am - Meet Megan and Ezra at the hospital. As we're waiting to go in, another mother tells Megan about what procedure her daughter is getting done. Ezra and I play with blocks. 
9:15am - We are called into the back and the surgery process begins. Ezra has his height and weight recorded. We change him into his hospital gown. A nurse comes in to do a vitals check and give him a relaxer. A hospital teacher comes in to share with him all the phases of surgery using a photo book. The anesthesiologist comes in and talks to us about what medicines she'll be describing. The surgeon comes in and tells updates us on the process. I occupy Ezra by teaching him how to use the controls on the hospital bed and blowing up a glove to make a balloon. 
10:10am - The nurses come back in, lay him down on  the bed, and wheel him off to surgery.
10:11am - Here comes the tears. I didn't have quite enough for critical mass but that was definitely the closest I've been to crying in a few years. 
10:30am - I decide to go work on some stuff on the car out in the parking lot. Sitting and waiting doesn't suit me well. 
10:45am - I try and do some work and actually get something done! Megan has all but given up hope of being productive and I don't blame her. 
11:05am - The anesthesiologist comes in and tells us that Ezra is in recovery. Everything went without a hitch. 
11:20am - Ezra is wheeled back into the room. We get close to critical mass again but I keep it together. 
11:25am - The surgeon comes in and updates us. Everything went great. According to the surgeon, it was a pretty big cyst. I'm a little bummed that they didn't let us keep it. 
12pm - Ezra has his final check-up and we are free to go home. He's been munching on Gatorade and goldfish crackers so lunch is around the corner. 
12:15pm - Megan stops at Trader Joe's and I watch Ezra while she grabs some groceries. Again, it was on the way home! =0). 
1pm - I grab a quick lunch then prepare for a 1:30 video call. While prepping, Megan texts me that Ezra threw up in the car on the way home. It's normal given the anesthesia but still a little gross. 
1:30pm - I start work again for the rest of the afternoon. 
5pm - I head home and spend the rest of the day with the kids. On more than one occasion, we have to tell Ezra to stop running so much because it's making him sweat and the surgeon said he's not supposed to sweat so much while the bandage is still on his head. I appears as though everything is back to normal...

In the past few days, everything has been great. Megan's women's small group had a pool party and Ezra was bummed that he couldn't go into the pool when Thaliea got to go but other than that, things have been back to normal. Thanks again for all your prayers and support. We are so thankful to have such a wonderful community and thankful to God for all the ways he blessed us through this process. 

Have an excellent day! 


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