Monday, January 1, 2018

Nurses For the Win!

"Did you know that there's an NCF chapter at Mizzou?"

In a word, no. The email I got from Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) National saying that there was an NCF chapter at Mizzou was definitely news to me. With a mother, sister, and sister-in-law who are all nurses, I was definitely interested in connecting with those students. 

When I got to our first meeting, NCF was less a chapter and more 2 students who carried over from the past year and their adviser. We didn't have much of a plan and I didn't have a ton of time so I said, "well, let's just pray and see what happens." That first year, we averaged about 4-6 students but we kept on praying. At the start of our second year, we had to switch rooms for our first meeting because there were over 50 nursing students in attendance.

Over the years, the number of students has fluctuated from that first meeting in 2015, to as few as 6 students doing a bible study together. Students have shown up and left. We've never had more than 1 guy as a part of the group besides me. Still, the group faithfully meets and continues to explore what it means to follow Jesus in the world of nursing.

Nursing students are a special breed. Their level of compassion is astounding. I've been taking prayer requests from students in small groups for over 10 years and only in NCF are there more prayer requests for other people than for the people in the room. Questions of compassion, justice and ethics are always on their minds as they navigate how nursing school, clinicals, and their sororities (because apparently all of them are in sororities).

Honestly, I didn't spend a ton of time with NCF. They only meet twice a month and my role was more of an adviser than one of a staff. I was there to help them make prints and buy snacks and such. Still, I was so blessed to be a part of the group. I'm looking forward to seeing these ladies (and a few dudes) change the world through nursing.

Have an excellent day!


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