Friday, February 12, 2016

MPD Khmer Style...

Hello, friends!

As many of you know, Megan and I had the pleasure of leading a team of students on a Global Project to Cambodia during the summer of 2014. It was an eye opening and life changing experience, and not just because I got a new shirt that is solidly a part of my shirt rotation. =0).

Ever since we got to Phnom Penh, I've been in love with the the country and inspired by the staff there. In the US, I get props because I start work on a new campus in a nation in which 75% of the inhabitants identify themselves as Christians. In Cambodia, the staff team there is trying to start work for the entire COUNTRY where a majority of the population is Buddhist. They do some good work out there.

This is why I'm asking for y'all to partner with me as we partner with SONOKO (Cambodia's version of InterVarsity) to help fund their staff. My friend and colleague Steph "Schmaltzy" Schmaltz (not my most original nickname, I know) has done the math and figured out that she can get their entire staff team of 5 local staff fully funded if she can get 200 people to give $5/month.

Yups, $5/month.

I could put that into perspective for you in a condescending or guilt inducing kind of way ("just a cup of coffee a month!") but you know $5/month isn't much and I know you don't need to be obligated into giving. I'm just asking you to prayerfully consider partnering with SONOKO to help fund its staff. If you hop on, praise Jesus! If you don't, that's OK too.

What I love about this campaign is that it is focusing on partnership, not cash. Let's do the math for a second. 200 people at $5/month for 1 year is $12,000. There are a lot of ways to get to $12,000. You could have 10 people give at $100/month, a pretty typical donation for InterVarsity/USA. You could have 20 people give at $50/month, which is even more doable. Schmaltzy has the networks that if she wanted, I believe that she could find 20 people to give $50/month or even 10 to give $100/month. But she's not focusing on cash. She's focusing on partnership.

See, the beauty of this model is that it maximizes the number of people who are now partnering with SONOKO to see the Gospel reach the students of Cambodia. When we give, whether it be $5, $50, or $5000, we become invested in the movement. We want to see it succeed. We more about what's happening.

Megan and I have ministry partners who give at all sorts of levels. We've had folk increase and folk decrease their giving over the years, for all sorts of very good reasons. One thing that we have heard quite a few times is that because of some financial situation, someone can't give at their same level but instead of dropping out completely, they're going to $10/month because they want to stay a part of the ministry.

Friends, $10/month doesn't move the needle much in terms of our overall budget but it does wonders in terms of the love and support we feel from y'all. It does wonders.

Here's the link with more information about SONOKO and how to give if you'd like to partner. Make sure you clink "ENG" at the top for the English version (unless you can read Khmer) and look for the "$5" in the top right corner.

Have an excellent day!


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