Friday, February 26, 2016

A Little Time To Pray...

Hello, friends!

I committed this year to making the last Friday of every month the day that I pray for our Region. InterVarsity is split up into 23 (or so) different Regions, each encompassing a different geographical area. In our case, I'm a proud member of the Central Region, which includes Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska.

My plan is to post on the Sunday or Tuesday before the last Friday of each month to our Central Region Facebook group, asking if anyone has any prayer requests. Then, I spend some time on Friday praying for the Region and seeing what Jesus says.

This week as I was on my prayer walk, it really felt like God was saying, "You don't have to prove anything." This came as I was praying for the different conferences we have coming up. It came up again as I prayed for our Regional Leadership Team and the decisions they have on the way. It came up a lot as I started thinking about and praying for all the different roles that I have with InterVarsity. It was one of those things that I couldn't get out of my head so I decided to explore it a little more and see what God was trying to say to me.

Honestly, I'm still not entirely sure. It could mean a lot of things. I think it has something to do with all the stuff I have to do, and a reminder that I do these things out of my love for God and my love for students, not out of a desire to prove myself worthy of my paycheck. I think there's also something in there about wanting everything to be the best so that folk will look to MidMO and see something that is obviously working. I think there's something in there about a natural desire I have as a highly competitive person to compare myself and the work I'm doing to others. I wonder if those things also resonate with any of my staff colleagues.

So, friends. I'm going to run with that thought. This next week will be a full week for me. I'm heading to California to preach twice, with a staff conference in the middle (more on that later) so there are going to be plenty of opportunities to want to prove myself in one way or another. Please pray that this message will be taken to heart and that I will remember that God's love for me is not based on performance.

Have an excellent day!


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